[stylist] Off-topic: Has anyone charged for speaking engagements?

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 17 20:34:36 UTC 2011

Three years ago I was the feature story for the Nebraska Medical
Center's publication, 1001 Publication. I received some local attention
for this, and was asked to participate with opening ceremonies when the
Med Center's new diabetes clinic opened. I was interviewed for all major
news stations in Omaha. When the Omaha World Herald was seeking
bloggers, they contacted the Med Center looking for professionals as
well as patients. They wanted personal experiences as well as
professional advice and such. When the NMC's marketing director
contacted clinics, the nurse educator for the diabetes clinic, and
family friend, knowing I was a writer, recommended me. I submitted a
sample, and was hired to be a blogger for the OWH's new website. I've
gained a little more local attention for this. Then I was hired to be a
part of the NMC's 2009 campaign. I filmed a TV commercial along with a
radio commercial. Between these things, I've been asked to do
presentations for various groups and presentations.

I focus on what adversity means, and how what we believe is truth often
turns out to be a mere perception of reality. I've spoken to senior
groups, schools, churches and participated in disability awareness
events. My most recent gig was for a local community college for a human
relations class. It was a very positive experience, and they've asked me
to come back.

While working on an outline for a presentation (I try to tailor it to
fit the group and what they hope for a focus) I discovered an outline
for a possible memoir. I've been working on individual pieces, but I
think I have a direction that may bring some cohesiveness to it.

I'm no stranger to public speaking or being in the public eye, so to
speak. I have a background in theatre as well as vocal performance, and
I excelled in any public speaking course while in college so I was asked
to help with presentations when my university celebrated the unveiling
of its new engineering building.

I've done similar presentations for my NFB chapter, though we don't do
many public events involving speaking to this extent.

I've had some opportunities come my way that brought me attention to
where I've been asked to do these things. To just up and start a career
in public speaking, I'm not sure how to go about it, but if you're open
to possibilities, they may lead into a similar route. It's been
unexpected, but amazing. I often feel I don't truly have anything to
offer, and I don't believe I've accomplished anything great; at least
not more than anyone else. This is usually the point behind my message:
that once we recognize most obstacles are based on perceptions of
reality and not truths, we can move forward and live our lives, hoping
to bring others on board, and those who can't accept it, that's there
problem to deal with. No matter, I enjoy this, and if my small
experience of life can help and inspire others, then I'll continue to do

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 20
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 11:55:34 -0400
From: "justin williams" <justin.williams2 at gmail.com>
To: "'Writer's Division Mailing List'" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [stylist] Off-topic: Has anyone ever charged for speaking
Message-ID: <004701cc8ce5$350c9c00$9f25d400$@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I would at least charge expenses with a little added in for profit.  How
did you get into this, and how can I start?s

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