[stylist] Sharing lesson and Chris Kuell

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 6 20:23:24 UTC 2012

While reading Eve's post, it occurred to me that most of us will have
various holiday plans, so let's extend the writing exercise about fan
fiction through January. We can have until February first now to post
something if we choose to participate. I know this gives me more time to
reflect upon the prompt.

FYI, Kurt Vonnegut is one of the top literary writers in the known
world. He taught at the University of Iowa Writers Workshop, which has
one of the, if not thee, leading creative writing programs in the
nation, and he lectured at Harvard for the English department. Three of
his best known novels are Cat's Cradle, Breakfast of Champions  and
Slaughterhouse- 5. Vonnegut also has been widely published for short
stories and essays.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 07:05:53 -0800
From: Eve Sanchez <3rdeyeonly at gmail.com>
To: "Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [stylist] sharing lesson and Chris Kuell
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Writers, I opened up my email today to let you all know that we will not
be having a shared lesson this month as the person lined up for December
backed out and I have not had and do not still have time to reschedule.
Too many things in my life going on right now. I am sorry. I was going
to suggest we think of it as a holiday vacation just as we got started.
We had an inspiring lesson from Keitei on play writing in November and
have something wonderful being worked up by Bridget for January. As I
said, I was going to say that, but then I read the post from Chris Kuell
on tips for story writing and think that would be a wonderful project
that we could all get involved in. Chris gave us a list that was written
by (I am
guessing) a great author (that I have never heard of :) ). Let's use
that as a start and everyone contribute to this list. What helps for
you? What do you think would help others? Let's make it fun. No
pressure, okay? Also wanted to let you know that I am leaving town in a
couple of days and while trying to compact my luggage so I do not have
to check anything in, I have decided to leave my huge and ancient laptop
at home. I am schedule to fly home on December 21st (as long as the
Earth does not blow up while I am in the air). I will miss our
interaction and hope to come home to a full inbox from all of you. As
Hanuka is closing, I hope that it was well for those who celebrate. As
Yule Solstice and Christmas approach, I hope all stay in the health to
enjoy their chosen holiday. Be blessed and keep writing. Merry part, Eve

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