[stylist] Book

Lynda Lambert llambert at zoominternet.net
Sat Apr 6 18:46:33 UTC 2013

I thought you might like to hear about something I was looking at today on amazon.com.

I checked on my own book, Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage" on amazon.com today.

They have only 2 new copies left. The price is $15. which is the cover price. 
I looked at the used book sellers there, too, and my book is now being sold by a couple of used book dealers at over 50. and 60. for a used copy in great condition. One seller is in London. 

On the other hand, there are a couple of used book sellers who have it listed for a much lower price - but there are only a couple of them.  

Strange, this book business.

It is fun to see how a book price escalates as the book becomes "out of print" and no longer available to the public. The 2 copies at Amazon are the only 2 copies of my book for sale anywhere at this time. It was printed in a limited edition, so it won't be re-printed again - it is really fun to see this.  The book will only go up in price now.

the other thing that I found very interesting is that if the book is signed by the author, the price goes UP. BUT, if it is signed by the author, and it is dedicated to a person, along with that signature, the price falls DOWN.
So when you get a book signed at a book signing, you do NOT want the author to sign it to YOU, and then sign the book.  
I learned that from the Antiques Road Show!

I have slowly begun work  on the next book. I had started working on it when I was on sabbatical in the fall of 2007, however, I was stopped in my tracks by the onset of sight loss.  I am really just now able to begin working on it again - but I am doing it. So I am picking up where I left off when  MAYHEM struck, and the Allstate man was nowhere in sight.


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