[stylist] That Look: It's not what you think

April Brown via stylist stylist at nfbnet.org
Sat May 24 11:15:03 UTC 2014

Good morning.

I had an experience last night.

We never go grocery shopping on Friday night.  We did anyway.

It was crowded, and my remaining vision was quickly overwhelmed.  So much so, my eye still hurts this morning.  If it weren't for my OCD, I couldn't "pass" as sighted.  That's another story for another day.

Last night, we rounded an aisle corner in the store near the registers.

A middle aged plus woman and her full buggy blocked the entrance.  She was speaking to a man standing flat, almost against the shelves.

Another woman with a full buggy waited to pass down the aisle as well.

The first woman finally noticed people waited, apologized loudly, and moved her buggy.

As the second woman passed, I noticed the man had a white support cane.

What look crossed my face?  

I'll never know.  Likely not the "pity" she thought she saw.  

More the feeling of, "That'll be me someday soon."

She loudly called the man away.

I went on my way, following hubby, unable to see much further than the end of the buggy, or much wider than the buggy.

Did he even notice?  Highly unlikely.  When he's shopping, he pays no attention to the people around him.

My shopping list had 3 items on it.  In years if I had gone shopping alone, I would have run in the store, grabbed those three items, paid, and left.  We were in there over an hour, and left with a buggy so full I couldn't push it.

April Brown

Writing dramatic adventure novels uncovering the myths we hide behind.

aprilbrownwrite at gmail.com

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