[stylist] sharing

Debby Phillips semisweetdebby at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 19:32:26 UTC 2015

Well, the division you mention is supposed to be all-inclusive, 
but unfortunately I do not believe that it is.  Its purpose is 
supposed to be for discussions about how blindness affects 
people's ability to be involved in their faith, whether it be 
Southern Baptist or Buddhist.  I personally don't see how my 
blindness has anything to do with what I believe, and since 
churches have exempted themselves from the ADA, there's not much 
that anybody can do if a church discriminates against a blind 
person.  For instance, on the NAGDU list, there was a recent 
discussion because a church pastor decided that a lady with her 
guide dog could not ride the bus to church because of children 
being on the bus.  I'm simplifying this issue, but here's my 
point.  We all made suggestions, made angry comments, but 
basically when push came to shove, neither NFB, ACB or any other 
group can help this woman.  The pastor did offer her rides in 
someone's car to church.  With her dog.  So she could choose that 
option, or go elsewhere to church.  I'm not quite sure I 
understand all of that, since cab drivers who are Muslims have 
been told that they must pick up blind people with their dogs, 
even if they do believe that dogs are unclean.  But I digress.  
In what way, other than as a point of gatring, would a Pagan 
group or division be necessary? Or an LGBT group? ACB has one, 
but I'm really not sure what they do.  We could have a Catholic 
group, a Methodist group, or whatever.  How does that help the 
cause rthe Fedgation? And we could have a Wiccan group and some 
other kind of group, but other than helping us to find out who 
each other is, I see no point.  The Writers Division and other 
more general Divios can certainly have a purpose, because we can 
discuss things that are important to us as blind writerB are 
there specific things that only affect blind Wiccans, or blind 
Pagans? As for me I'd love to know more blind Catholics, but not 
just NFB Catholics, or ACB Catholics.  I'd want to know things 
like: are there blind priests? Are there blind nuns? If so, what 
do you do? What accommodations have you been given? How does this 
affect your spirituality? But I don't want it just to be folks 
from NFB or ACB.  Hmm.  Maybe I should start a Catholic email 
list? Lol.     Debby P.S.  Sorry for my rambling.

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