[stylist] was re childrens books

Vejas Vasiliauskas alpineimagination at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 05:54:21 UTC 2015

Hi Sem,
That totally makes sense, about parental relationships, but I 
think it's really sad that some parents will just yell.  Although 
even if I get along well with my parents, I would not consider 
them my equals, and they're not raising me to try to be their 
friend.  We may have different beliefs on some things, but 
they're not major things, really.
I was just thinking of this short journal piece I wrote for 
creative writing class.  I must have been feeling sorry for 
myself when I wrote this, because now I just look back at it and 
laugh, as this just isn't realistic and no way would I want a 
parent like this.
Here is my last year's short piece:
Although I want my children to be happy, I would like to be the 
most protective father in the world.
I was seriously bullied twcce, once at camp and once by someone 
at school.  So here is what I'm going to do as a father so my 
children are always innocent and happy.  First, I would send them 
to Catholic school because I am quite religious, and when a 
school is too big, it is too stressful.  I will not allow them to 
have any friends until I know their parents and their phone 
numbers.  Most of the time will be spent at home.  I won't allow 
them to go to camp of any kind because that's where I was 
When it comes to Facebook and Twitter, I will want my children to 
send me an e-mail about every person they friend, explaining 
exactly who this person is, how they know them and why this 
person deserves to be their friend.  Facebook is toxic.  I should 
know.  When I was bullied, one of my friends continued to friend 
my bully on Facebook.  Nice, right?
We will still do lots of fun things, though.  I will teach them 
to be very kind individuals.  Will they hate me? Maybe.  But is 
it worth it? Yes.

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