[stylist] Writer's Relief

Semirhage severus13 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 06:24:39 UTC 2015

Hi Sofie. I'd check the site writers beware as it reports scam sites and 
such. Go there and put in the name of this site and see what comes up other 
than the reviews you've already found.
We checked out their site and honestly it didn't look very pro visually to 
my husband not to mention being difficult to navigate even for a sighted 
person, but that doesn't mean everything. How much they're charging may also 
be telling, but I'd say check writer's beware for reports on them in 
particular rather than sites like them. I'd go for the site that is in that 
category with the best reviews.
Good luck and do tell us what you find. I am awful at the business end of 
shopping books around. I've got someone helping me out now that found a very 
prestigious agent for her husband back in the day, but nothing's set in 
stone and I have no chickens to count yet so am always open to more options. 
The more the better.
I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed.
I get along with the voices inside of my head. 

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