[stylist] Musical inspiration when writing

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Wed Jun 24 13:14:50 UTC 2015

I greatly prefer quiet when writing. I suppose this is because I'm easily
distracted, but I'm most productive when I'm alone and the house is quiet
and I find my groove. Sometimes I'll sit outside, but the sounds of birds
and kids playing don't really distract me too much.

However, I do use music to get into the right emotional state. I have a
treadmill in the room I call my office (aka, the junk room). I find walking
on the treadmill while listening to music helps get the creative juices
going, so if I'm working on a scene where a couple is having a fight, I
might crank up some Rage Against the Machine or Disturbed and walk on the
treadmill while the scene plays out in my mind. Then I'll sit down and write


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