[stylist] workshopping: Lucy and Lithe

Jamie Allison goalgirl at bellsouth.net
Sun Sep 20 22:55:13 UTC 2015

Miss Thea,
I read your submission today and wanted to say that you have me intrigued! I love your descriptive language (but thankful all the while that at times it wasn't too descriptive) and how your writing style makes the story flow from one part to the next. I really want to find out what happens next! 
I am hoping that sending this (as it's positive feedback) to the entire group is the right protocol for positive and more or less general response. I am sure there are times when it may be better to contact only the person who wrote the message and will do this instead if this is what is preferable.  Jamie Allison
National Federation of the Blind - Cherokee Chapter President
Lead Instructor, NFB BELL in SC
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can have the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back. To make a donation to the National Federation of the Blind Imagination Fund campaign, please visit www.nfb.org/ImaginingOurFuture.

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