[stylist] Scrivener verses Word and more!

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 23 04:33:06 UTC 2016

Hello Michael,

I'd also like to use Scrivener. Not sure what it all does but I know its 
good for writers. If its accessible with windows 7 and jaws 16 or jaws 17, I 
could use it.

As for the ribbons, I don't think anyone likes them including every person 
who can see the screen. They found the menus more user friendly. To use the 
ribbons, you have to press the right and left arrows to go through them. You 
can tab from one  ribon to the next.
However, the same keystrokes you used in older versions such as Word 2003 
work in the new versions. I have office 2010 but I've worked with 2013 at 
school and this is the case. You do not need to use the office 2003 menu 
shortcuts, but you can use standard shortcut keystrokes. The keystrokes of 
control key plus a letter form keystrokes you can use to pull up dialogue 
boxes or do commands.

You mention formatting and font. I can do most of that without ever dealing 
with the nasty ribbon!
You can change the font or size of anything with keystrokes. So, Michael, 
you can change the size or font of words easily.

Here is some commands in case you or anyone needs to know. I Remember they 
work with any version of Word and are not dependent on a screen reader since 
these are Microsoft office commands.

Bold text: control B
Underline  text: control U
Italicize text: Control I
Font dialogue box: control D; then press tab to get around the box.
Increase font by one point: control right bracket; keep pressing it to go up 
one point at a time
Decrease font by one point: control left bracket; keep pressing the 
keystroke to go up one point further
Double space text: control 2
Single space text: control 1
1 1/2 lines text: control 5
Spell check: f 7 key

So you see, there are many things you can do in word without the ribbons.
If you want to know any keystrokes, or wonder if there is a way to do 
something without the ribbon or a shorter way to navigate the ribbon, just 
ask. If I don't know, someone here may know.

Its nice you have the old Word for now. But someday your pc will break, and 
you will be forced to upgrade.
Sorry to say, but if you want to use technology, there is no way  to stop 
learning. You can put it off as I did for years, but eventually you will 
have to use the new versions since pcs don't last forever. If they sold 
office 2003, I'd use it. But time goes on, and they do not sell it anymore. 
So, I'm forced to use what is new along with other computer users.
I'm lucky my windows 7 has  lasted this long.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Michael via stylist
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 10:38 PM
To: stylist at nfbnet.org
Cc: tickpub at juno.com
Subject: [stylist] Scrivener verses Word and more!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Bridgit and Sarah with Scrivener verses Word!

Thank you for this topic. I have been a Word user for some 30 years but
started out with Wordperfec. I have moved along with word, up to 2003. I
do not use all the tons of exxtra tools and gadgertry that Word has to
offer; to me, most of it is useless. I was a happy man until this MS came
up with the big changes to Word, with MSs 7 and Word 10? The switch over
to a Ribbon system really caused me some frustration. I have enough to
learn and study for without having to jump on another learning curve. I
have a near new computer with more than everything ever needed to get by
with. However, with the Ribbon and all the changes, I stuck with my 2033
XP compute running Word 2003. I use the keyboard to get around and the
ribbon system is outrageous. They should fire those techs who thought to
mess up my life as they have so done.

However, my stubbornness with the MS 7 and now 10 with the upgraded Word
has cut me off from entering many web sites that no longer allow the
older IE to enter or have access to a newer web site.
I use Jaws 8.5 on my older computer and it was funny. I needed some
information and so called the Jaws help line and the guy had to laugh. He
told me that he wasn't even born when 8.5 was released! There was no

This brings me to our discussion. Ok, I do have a tiny bit of vision but
still not enough to read the screen but I can see what is going on there.
I have shopped around because in my own writing, I often make mistakes
that I cannot see or catch. My formatting might get messed around with
odd characters, underlining and so forth. Now I found that this free
program called Jarte is the simplest word and text processing program out
here. It is free and even though I do not use it all the time, it is
there. I do a chapter or an article in word and copy it then download it
into Jarte as a plain text file. You can recopy or save your changes as a
.doc file or go back to your Word program and enter your new unformatted
document. Then and there it removes all formatting and gives me a clean
document to work with. What is nice is that it comes with a free version
of Word Web. Check it out for simplicity and ease.

Now this Scrivener thing, I would love to use it and get away from the
Word ribbon insanity. Insanity you say, sure, as an example, with Word
2003 if you want to change the size of a font or a single word from small
to large or from large to small you just use a key stroke. But to do this
simple action with a ribbon, it takes you ten minutes to go around and
around and back and forth and up and down to do a little task. That is
only one example of the insanity I speak of. If you never came to know
the key strokes in the older Word program you would not  know what I
speak of.

I have been waiting for the Scrivener program for a while. Still doing
some research on it. I only want to know if it will work with Jaws 8.5
and then on 15? In the meantime, I stick with Word 2003 and my XP system.
My new computer, well, I use it so far to do the extra research and as a
backup. Its nice but I don't have two years left in my life to learn this
new things. I guarantee that as soon as I learn it, which I started, they
switched to 8 and then to 10. forget it and forget them!

Also, I despise Microsoft for trying to jam their OS 10 down my throat.
Every time MS is allowed access to my computer, all my settings and
programs must be gone through again. My tech downloaded a little AP into
my systems that have put a stop to MS 10 invasions. Try it!

One last thing, if you only get one thing from this note, please, you got
to get the Word Web program. It is a fantastic dictionary and spelling
and research tool. I so often want a different word and use it as my
alternitive word or idea program . I might misspell a word on purpose and
go into the nearest lists and wow, I get lost in time, it has everything
you can imagine for a writer. Lets say you are looking for an explorers
name  so you type in explorer or explorers and you not only get lists of
comparable words but then you get a list of famous explorers. You can do
this with trees, with composers or whatever. It brings up all the
dictionary uses of a word and you can click on verb, adverbs or ? and you
can also go into the net from there for more on that word if need be. For
a writer, this Word Web is the greatest ever. Check it out and with
Jarte, you get the free version. They also have a free version but it is
the basic program.


TickPub Thanks You,
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Regards And Respect From Michael!
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