[Tall-Corn] COME To The SENIOR Seminar

bray at nfbi.org bray at nfbi.org
Thu Aug 29 22:03:59 UTC 2024

Greetings, The NFBI Convention is only seven weeks away. It is
creeping up on us faster than anyone can believe it. This is our
first seminar and it should be an exciting way to kickoff the 2024
NFBI Convention on Friday morning. We hope to have a great turn
out for it. We want  you be able to come away from it with some
new ideas and hopefully a new friend or two.


What is going to happen at this seminar? Well, Below is the flier
that we have prepared to get people starting to think about being
part of it.


Read it over and if you have questions we will do what we can to
answer them. Talk it up with your friends and if you have some
place that you could post our flier let us know. The more people
that are there the more fun it will be.


Bob Ray, Senior Co-Ordinator




OCTOBER 18, 2024

9:00 A.M. - NOON




Welcome to the First Annual seminar of the Senior Group of the
National Federation of The Blind of Iowa. This seminar will give
you the opportunity to meet other blind and low vision Iowans,
leaders of the National Federation of The Blind of Iowa, Scott Van
Gorp President NFB Of Iowa, Mark Riccobono President of The
National Federation of The Blind, and others who are interested in
helping blind persons live the lives we want. 

What you can expect in the three-hour gathering. You will have the
opportunity to learn about training opportunities for blind
seniors, and hear from several providers of services and products
here in Iowa. These will include representatives from both state
and private agencies. We will also have plenty of time for you to
get to know the other participants of the seminar to learn from
them about how they go about their everyday lives. 

After the seminar, many of the presenters, particularly the
technology vendors, will have exhibit tables where you can check
out their products and ask more specific questions.

We are looking forward to you joining us for this exciting and
informative seminar. The cost of the event is $20 unless you are
registering for the full NFB of Iowa Convention. We will provide
materials in accessible formats for people to take home with
information shared during the event. 

                If you are able, we encourage you to stick around
for our first General Session of the convention, held from
1:30-4:30, for additional presentations on topics of interest to
Iowans of all ages.


  For more information contact:

Bob Ray, CHAIR: (515) 334-7231 or (515) 208-2349 bray at nfbi.org


To register, please visit: https://nfbi.org/convention

Note that to register for the senior seminar, you will need to
fill out the standard convention registration form and select the
option for "Senior Seminar Registration Only" in the "Registration
Fees" section. If you wish to attend the entire convention, choose
the "Convention Registration" option. You do not need to select

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