[Trainer-talk] accessible bookkeeping/accounting software?

nancy coffman nancylc at sprynet.com
Thu Sep 30 12:53:00 UTC 2010

Nebraska Commission for the Blind has had some cuastom scripts done but not for all of it.  Write le off list for more info.
Nancylc at sprynet.com

-----Original Message-----
From: David Andrews <dandrews at visi.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 9:48 PM
To: List for teachers and trainers of adaptive technology <trainer-talk at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [Trainer-talk] accessible bookkeeping/accounting software?

There is a New Zealand package called Accomplish Cash Manager, I 
believe, which is supposed to be successful, I think it is accomplishglobalcom


At 09:36 PM 9/29/2010, you wrote:
>  Dear helpful trainers of adaptive technology,
>What is some good accessible bookkeeping software?  Probably not 
>Quickbooks.  Peachtree (2008 at least) works okay but not thoroughly 
>(perhaps there are scripts?).  I didn't get very far with the nice 
>and free TurboCash.  And the free and advanced Postbooks with 
>Postgresql is too complex for me to begin as a program alone right now?
>I know the choices are tremendous, but has anyone found something 
>that works well for them? even a homemade integration of several 
>programs (e.g. Excel, database, mailmerge (for invoices)?
>Chris Johnson,
>Assistive Tech Specialist
>On 5/1/10 11:38 PM, James Teh wrote:
>>On 2/05/2010 12:26 PM, tempjayren at gmail.com wrote:
>>>also, i will hear things like button 4 of 20. and i have no idea what
>>>button 4 is.

[The entire original message is not included]

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