[Trainer-talk] response to Fred Chang's inquiry

Annemarie aec732 at msn.com
Tue Jan 13 02:15:08 UTC 2015

Regarding your question about transportation for BVI employees who need to visit clients.....I  worked for DeWitt & Associates and for the NJ Commission for the Blind and both believed thatuch transportation I part of the cost of providing accomodations for qualified blind staff members who do not drive.  The late John DeWitt, blind himself, held the stance thatblind professionals spent their time better actually doing the job than trying to connect on public transportation and wasting tremendous amounts of precious time.  Each of th e  blind staff had a  driver who was paid hourly as well as for mileage.
The state agency also maintains a pool of paid drivers to accommodate travel needs of blind staff.
Travel for blind staff needs to be built into the cost of   doing business.
Hope this helps!
Annemarie Cooke
North Brunswick, NJ

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