[Trainer-Talk] [nfbcs] Fwd: Collecting Information for Microsoft's new CAO

Jeanine Lineback jeanine.lineback at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 19:09:29 UTC 2016

Thank you Doug,
Regarding the Link 2013 in the Skype for business issues with jaws and other screen readers like NVDA I have also reported these problems. :-) They are a major issue especially the notifications taking over from other applications. Definitely a productivity downer. Frown

Dictated on an iPhone.

> On Feb 19, 2016, at 12:54 PM, Doug Lee <dgl at dlee.org> wrote:
> Please pass this on, though Anne is well aware of this concern, and the fact that I've been harping about this
> for about nine months. :)
> Two serious issues in Lync 2013 and Skype for Business 2016, highest priority first:
> 1. Every incoming chat message fires a MenuOpened event and forces AT users to Alt+Tab twice in order to
> continue whatever they were doing before the message arrived. This is a very severe productivity killer, and
> this issue alone has forced me to recommend to large companies that they refrain from upgrading beyond Lync
> 2010 for users who are blind or use a screen reader.
> Note that while I am aware that the delay in fixing this issue is due to difficulty deciding what system to
> use for incoming chat notifications, I urge that the menuOpened events be stopped immediately even if this
> results in no notification of an incoming chat. Silent chat arrival is a problem but does not impair use of
> every other application on the computer.
> 2. Frequently during an active voice call in Lync 2013 and Skype for Business 2016, the keyboard is taken over
> in such a way as to prevent many JAWS commands from working. Again, a user must Alt+Tab to rectify this
> situation. My very rough estimate is that this happens at least once every 5-10 minutes, though my
> recollection of the time interval is imprecise.
> I am forwarding this message to some members of my office accessibility team in case they have further
> thoughts.
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:03:25AM -0600, NFBCS mailing list wrote:
> I have been asked to circulate the following message.  This also applies to your own personal experience with Microsoft product, even though the below email specifies serving students and adults.
> Jeanine Lineback
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "McSorley, Jan" <jan.mcsorley at pearson.com>
>> Date: February 16, 2016 at 12:42:29 PM CST
>> To: Jeanine Kay Lineback <jeanine.lineback at gmail.com>, Edgar Lozano <lozano.edgar94 at gmail.com>, Su Park <su.park98 at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Collecting Information for Microsoft's new CAO
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I just got off a call with Anne Taylor who, as you know, used to be the Director of Access Technology at the National Federation of the Blind.  She now works for Microsoft and her boss is Microsoft's new Chief Accessibility Officer.
>> Anne asked me to compile a list of access barriers in Microsoft products that impede the work I am trying to accomplish at Pearson, but I would like to take this opportunity to get additional feedback from others in the field.  I would love to add your insights and opinions on how Microsoft could help improve education, productivity, etc. of people  with disabilities by making improvements in the accessibility of their products.
>> I will be working on a list of ideas for Anne, but if you have any thoughts or feedback on the following questions, I will be sure to share your name(s) as contributors to the list:
>> 1. Are there any access barriers to using Microsoft products that make it  difficult for you to serve students or adults with disabilities.  For example:
>> Word
>> PowerPoint
>> Excel
>> Windows Operating Systems
>> Windows Browsers
>> 2.  Is there anything you wish Microsoft products would/could/should do that they are not doing?
>> 3.  In your opinion, what should Microsoft's accessibility priorities be?
>> Any help or input you could provide would be appreciated.  This is a unique opportunity to get ideas and requests up the chain at Microsoft, so  please don't underestimate the importance of your feedback.
>> Please share with others in your network as you see fit.  I will be reviewing the list with Anne Taylor the week of March 22nd, so there is time to reach out to others.
>> _________________
>> For kids
>> Jan McSorley
>> Head of Accessibility
>> School Line of Business
>> Pearson Assessment Centre
>> M: (512) 673-9569
>> E: jan.mcsorley at pearson.com
>> Pearson 
>> Always Learning
>> Learn more at www.pearsonk12.com 
>> We put a man on the moon in the 1960's ... surely we can make information technology fully accessible to people with disabilities.  It can be done ... it must be done ... it will be done!
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> -- 
> Doug Lee                 dgl at dlee.org                http://www.dlee.org
> SSB BART Group           doug.lee at ssbbartgroup.com   http://www.ssbbartgroup.com
> "I before E, except after C, or when sounded like A, as in neighbor
> and weigh, except for when weird foreign concierges seize neither
> leisure nor science from the height of society."

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