[Trainer-Talk] A Google Drive Bug With Chromium-based Browsers

Brian Vogel britechguy at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 21:09:19 UTC 2024

Raul Gallegos wrote, in part:  Web browsers are no different with similar
methods of using them.

I'd say that the methods of using them these days are very close to
identical.  Had Microsoft not decided to be cranky and retain its own
terminology, Favorites, for what all other Chromium-based browsers have
called Bookmarks (and so does Firefox) their entire command set would be
indistinguishable from the other Chromium-based browsers.

I don't even think about what browser is in use 99.999% of the time when it
comes to what you do, how, and when to control a web browser because most
of what I do most of the time is the same no matter what browser I happen
to be using.  I use Firefox, Edge, and Vivaldi on a daily basis both with
and without the involvement of a screen reader, and because I have screen
reader involvement as frequently as I do, I use keyboard shortcuts to a
much greater extent than most sighted people do or ever will.


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