[humanser] Question about Professional Internship Accomodations

Ericka Short ericka.short at wi.rr.com
Thu Jul 10 01:03:44 UTC 2014

Are you and Ashley both on the National Association of Blind Students 
listserve too? They might be of more help here. All I know isn't current, 
but they are all students in high school thru masters and dealing with the 
concerns you have right now.  Post your good questions to them and report 
back!  You both have valid concerns.  am too considering a masters.  I won't 
be doing that for a while yet though.

Wish I was able to meet you two at convention.

Ericka J. Short

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13

"No hand is too small or too big to do good in this world." EJ. Short 

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