[humanser] Working with people who are non-verbal and learning sign language

Daniella Roccasalvo daniellaroccasalvo at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 3 15:29:00 UTC 2018

Hello all,I do not know if anyone can help me with this, but I figured I would ask. I attend a Canadian college and am hoping to switch to the developmental service worker program in a few months. My first question is, how did you learn sign language if you did? I know a lot of individuals who are non-verbal use some sign language. Did you take a course, use an app? I can't find a way that is accessible. All the courses that the Canadian Hearing Society teaches are taught in silence to respect the deaf culture. If you didn't learn sign language, how did you communicate with them? If they used PECS a picture exchange communication system, how did you use that with them? Also, how did you work with individuals who are high behaviour?
 Thank you all for your help

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