[nabs-l] dog v. cane

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Nov 26 18:06:46 UTC 2010

Steve makes a good point, and we all need to be careful.  Even the 
subject line risks confrontation as it is Dog Versus Cane.  It 
shouldn't be one against the other, and it isn't a contest or battle, 
and there is no one right or wrong answer for all of us.


At 10:58 AM 11/26/2010, you wrote:
>Nicole and others,
>I am a cane user, but it does not particularly bother me to hear of 
>ways the cane can be a pain.  There are definitely times when it is, 
>and all of us who use
>canes have to try to think about how our canes can affect 
>others.  However, I've been in a number of discussions like this 
>over the past fifteen years or
>so, and as soon as we start talking about the negatives of either, 
>someone will feel the need to point out the negatives of the 
>other.  It doesn't take long
>once we reach that point before someone gets mad.  I am not the 
>moderator and am here  because I occasionally back up Dave Andrews 
>with technical
>problems, but I don't want to see discussion degenerate as it has 
>always done in the past when we go down this road, and believe me, 
>it always does.
>Best regards,
>Steve Jacobson

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