[Oabs] Membership video

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 22:07:54 UTC 2014

Hey Friends,

Just a quick shout out to all of you.  I think everyone should be
wrapping up their finals except for me, because Dayton sucks for once,
so please start thinking about photos or videos you could submit for
the video.  Break will begin for me next Thursday, so at that time I'd
like to devote some work to the video so that it is done by early to
mid January.  Also, I don't know about you all, but Dayton is
unusually warm for this time of year.  I'm still managing to walk
around in regular old clothes without a heavy jacket, so as long as
it's sunny or nice out pictures could be great from this time of year
if you'd like to take ones that are more recent for submission.

Board members, we should probably have a quick, informal meeting to
hash out which topics everyone can take on for their interviews.  We
could even do this over email.  Just be on the look out for details
about organizing that meeting/email discussion after I feel less
finals pressure.

Thanks, and I hope everyone else's finals are going swimmingly.  Take
deep breaths, drink lots (and I mean lots) of coffee, and don't
believe the old phrase "When in doubt, the answer is always C."
Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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