[Colorado-talk] Flyer for Access Day

Lorinda Riddle lriddle at cocenter.org
Fri Sep 23 18:37:16 UTC 2011

*From:* Gary Van Dorn [mailto:garyvdrn at msn.com]
*Sent:* Friday, September 23, 2011 4:16 AM
*To:* James Gashel; Monique Melton; Nehemiah Hall; Wayne Marshall; Sharon
Buchan; Scott LaBarre; Michelle Nichols; Brenda Mosby; Lorinda Riddle;
Deidre Walbert; Peggy Reagan; Chressa McFarland; Karen Samuelsen; Harold
Alexander; Erin Denovan; Malcolm Johnson; Lee Baze; Diane McGeorge; Lisa
Bonderson; Kevan Worley; Bill Lundgren
*Subject:* Fwd: Flyer for Access Day

Begin forwarded message:

*From: *William Lundgren <lund1365 at msn.com>

*Date: *22 September 2011 19:05:03 MDT

*To: *"'Gary Van Dorn'" <garyvdrn at msn.com>

*Subject: FW: Flyer for Access Day*

            Any possibility of getting this passed on to the CCDC interst
list?  Thanks.


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Thank you.

William S. Lundgren LLC

*Clinical Office:*

777 Grant St., Suite 304

Denver, CO  80203

*For Business & Correspondence:*

Cheesman Tower West

1200 Humboldt St #501

Denver, CO  80218

Telephone: (303) 329-2928

Fax: (303) 329-2917

Cell: (303) 949 8729


*From:* Simone Gordon [mailto:SGordon at dcpa.org]
*Sent:* Thursday, September 22, 2011 9:52 AM
*To:* 'William Lundgren'
*Subject:* RE: Flyer for Access Day

Hi Bill,

I have attached a PDF of the flyer and a word document with the text.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.


*Simone K. Gordon, Audience Development Coordinator*
The Denver Center for the Performing Arts
1101 13th Street
Denver, CO 80204

303.446.4887  |  Phone
303.359.7224  |  Cell
303.893.4100  |  Tickets

sgordon at dcpa.org <x-msg://74/jalexander@dcpa.org>

Visit our website at www.denvercenter.org <x-msg://74/www.denvercenter.org>

*From:* William Lundgren [mailto:lund1365 at msn.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, September 22, 2011 7:48 AM
*To:* Simone Gordon
*Subject:* Flyer for Access Day


I have asked for an e-copy of the flyer for Access Day to send out and also
a rememinder of what groups I agreed to contact.  Do you have either or
both?  Thanks.


This transmission is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act,
18 U.S.C. § 2510 et seq. The information contained within, and any documents
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received this message in error, please immediately notify me by telephone
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return the e-mail to sender, and purge all copies of this message and any
attachments from your system.

Thank you.

William S. Lundgren LLC

*Clinical Office:*

777 Grant St., Suite 304

Denver, CO  80203

*For Business & Correspondence:*

Cheesman Tower West

1200 Humboldt St #501

Denver, CO  80218

Telephone: (303) 329-2928

Fax: (303) 329-2917

Cell: (303) 949 8729
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