[Colorado-Talk] FW: [DBCC] ACTION: SSP Guidelines available for review - feedback due Monday 4/22

doula.jarboe at gmail.com doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 00:23:01 UTC 2024

Greetings Everyone,


     These were reviewed at the recent DBCC meeting and sent out as follows for review and comments.  I am passing them along.




From: Katie Cue <katie.cue at state.co.us> 
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2024 6:54 PM
To: Dbcc.ccdhhdb at state.co.us
Cc: Cynde <cyndevaughn.denver at gmail.com>; CAROLYN HAAS <carolynhaas at me.com>; Anahit LaBarre <labarretravel at msn.com>; Canines and Canes <info at caninesandcanes.com>; Vicki Scarboro <vickiscarborosli at gmail.com>
Subject: [DBCC] ACTION: SSP Guidelines available for review - feedback due Monday 4/22


Hello all,


As promised during the 4/11 DBCC meeting - I am sharing the SSP guidelines draft for your review and comments. This set of guidelines is proposed for the upcoming fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. 


All feedback is due Monday 4/22 at 11:30PM MST. So you have 10 days to review. You may share feedback with me (and/or any of the committee members) via email (katie.cue at state.co.us <mailto:katie.cue at state.co.us> ) or phone (720-235-0062). 


I would like to thank the subcommittee for their work in meeting with us to review the guidelines - Cynde Vaughn, Carolyn Haas, Anahit LaBarre, Ellie Carlson, and Vicki Scarboro! They provided valuable perspectives from the consumer and SSP side of things and helped shape the guidelines. They have also approved the current iteration of the guidelines with the understanding that we will review and discuss any stakeholder feedback before finalizing things. We all felt it was important that the DBCC members and stakeholders have an opportunity to review and weigh in on the document.


These guidelines were also presented at the DBCC meeting on 4/11. An optional quarterly hour "bucket" option was added at the suggestion of Paul Martz. Also, during our subcommittee meeting today, we decided to remove the previous purposed mileage bucket as to not restrict consumers who may have varying assignments/lengths. This removal comes with the understanding that there is reasonable flexibility with mileage as long as the average remains 50 miles per assignment (75 for rural areas).


As I explained during the DBCC meeting yesterday, the key here is flexibility. We are using these guidelines to better control and accurately predict program costs so that we can focus on tackling the waitlist!


The document is attached in Word Doc format and I've tried to catch any accessibility issues to maximize readability. Please let me know if there are any issues with accessing the information.






Katie Cue, Ed.D. 

Outreach and Consultative Services Manager - Deaf Specialist

Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind

English Pronouns: she, her, hers

ASL pronouns: 👉🏼 / 👉🏼 / 🖐🏼


Feedback is important to me as I continue to grow and learn. Please email me back or schedule a time to have a conversation if you have feedback about my words or actions.


P: 720.235.0062 | F: 303.866.4831

1575 Sherman St., Garden Level, Denver, CO 80203

katie.cue at state.co.us <mailto:katie.cue at state.co.us>  | ccdhhdb.com <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ccdhhdb.com_&d=DwMFaQ&c=sdnEM9SRGFuMt5z5w3AhsPNahmNicq64TgF1JwNR0cs&r=wJ2GQp8ylYkee4puZAGnxZ5tsoW7Wn41zgiSKdkHw-4&m=Bk86bn8Qbp6i3bKuUOYNu0DObccFfKPqf4pGYzZThRLSC5Dr7mePwz1xNAdaljjn&s=CSoNXiv898cqCmSm2THGYFhbTYoxnIlacG70X5AheMA&e=>  | facebook.com/ccdhhdb <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__facebook.com_ccdhhdb&d=DwMFaQ&c=sdnEM9SRGFuMt5z5w3AhsPNahmNicq64TgF1JwNR0cs&r=wJ2GQp8ylYkee4puZAGnxZ5tsoW7Wn41zgiSKdkHw-4&m=Bk86bn8Qbp6i3bKuUOYNu0DObccFfKPqf4pGYzZThRLSC5Dr7mePwz1xNAdaljjn&s=CBHjrfSQHhXdQRZGA2B-IvhEo-A_XCa8kx6o6a-IAGc&e=> 




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