[nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogsarepreventing aneed for a guide dog!
Lyn Gwizdak
linda.gwizdak at cox.net
Sat Nov 10 17:58:13 UTC 2012
Hi Christal,
No stupid questions here! LOL!
You live in Estonia - well, I have no idea where in Europe that little
country is. Asking questions is how one learns!
The conventions that you ask about are as follows: In the US, we have two
major national organizations of blind folks - the National Federation of the
Blind (NFB) and the American Council of the Blind (ACB). These two groups
do similar things in that they want to make life as good as possible for the
blind of this country but they differ in philosophy, approaches to problems.
Much like two different political parties. NAGDU, which this list belongs
to is a member organization of the NFB. The ACB also has a guide dog group,
the Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) and its corresponding list.
Both the NFB and ACB each have one large national convention that is held in
the summer - usually a week apart in a different location from each other.
The NFB and ACB are broken down into state affiliates and each has their own
conventions at varying times of year. Then there are the local affiliates
or chapters within each state. We have our monthly meetings or whenever
each chapter chooses to hold meetings.
At these conventions - both national and state ones, we meet to discuss the
various topics and issues that interest us and/or affect us. There is an
exhibition hall where various groups and companies come to show their
information or products like CCTVs, magnifiers, computer software for the
blind, and much more. Some of the guide dog schools are there to give
literature about their school. We have a number of special interest groups
that meet at these conventions. Both NFB and ACB have these groups.
Examples would be guide dog users, lawyers, secretaries, homemakers,
artists, writers, and more. The ACB also has a group for LGBT blind folks
and friends (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) - there's a group for
practically everyone. I am in the San Diego chapter of the ACB and our
group is called California Council of the Blind (CCB). I'm not that active
because my life is more within the LGBT community and my Democratic Party
club of which I am secretary - their first blind one!
At the conventions - on all levels - is the place the governance of the
organizations take place. At the conventions, near the end, there is a huge
banquet dinner where we will hear speakers that interest us. Since the
conventions are very expensive to attend, I rarely go to them.
This past weekend, I went to one day of ours - it was held fairly locally.
I went to the guide dog group for the meeting and luncheon. I didn't stay
for the banquet that night because I had to take paratransit and it would
have been way too long of a night for me. I got to see some folks I haven't
seen in years and it was fun. Next year, the convention will be at the same
location and I'll save so I can go for the whole weekend and stay at the
I hope this answered your question. Hey, remember, the "stupid " question
is the one you don't ask! LOL! Enjoy your day and glad there are so many
people on this list from so many places. I always like to hear about life
as a blind guide dog user from outside the US.
Lyn and Landon
"Education creates tolerance towards diversity."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christel Sogenbits" <christel.chrissu at gmail.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogsarepreventing
aneed for a guide dog!
> Sorry for the stupid question, but what are these conventions what are
> mentioned in different letters?
> Have I understand right that these are like big meetings about different
> subjects?
> Sorry for stupid question from small Estonia...
> *She is not just a dog, She is The Dog and my best friend*
> Christel and Roosi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Lyn Gwizdak
> Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 12:27 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing
> aneed for a guide dog!
> Hi Sheila,
> Wow! I don't know what you are talking about since the thread isn't there.
> (grin) I'm not being snarky, I really don't know what you are referring
> to -
> me judging and stuff. Maybe it was someone else?
> I don't have a problem if stuff happens and the dogs get up on the wrong
> side of the dog bed. If people correct the dogs, hey, no problem. I DO
> have a problem if a person fails to correct their dog time after time.
> I've
> gone to many conventions and see the occassional spat between dogs. It
> happens. The dogs are under stress at thesse things. Hey, if Landon gets
> too intimate with another dog and that dog objects, well, I tell Landon to
> mind his business and served him right. LOL!
> These dogs of ours are dogs first, guides second and they will act like
> dogs. but we all have to do our best to keep them under control and i do
> think most folks do this and most dogs are cool.
> In my posts, I talked about service dogs and about vests and stuff. If
> you
> and yoour friend's dogs behaved, no problem. I just don't understand the
> thread about this St. Bernard dog at a conference or meeting and growling
> took place. You didn't do anythiing. I try not to judge folks - notice
> try. I'm human - LOL. The thread seemeed to morph into a discussion
> about
> emotional support dogs without vests and not well behaved and that is what
> I
> have posted about. No worries.
> BTW, I was at our CCB convention this past weekend and hardly saw many
> dogs
> - it was the smallest convention I ever attended. All the dogs were nice
> and I didn't hear any spats.
> Lyn and Landon
> "Education creates tolerance towards diversity."
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sheila Leigland" <sleigland at bresnan.net>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 3:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Diabetic alert dogs and how alert dogs arepreventing
> aneed for a guide dog!
>> Lyn my husband and I were at the convention last weekend. Our dogs
>> misbehaved and growled and were immediately corrected. I would agree
>> with you if we chose not to bring our dogs under control but we did
>> and it didn't happen again. When you know all of the facts then please
>> make judgment calls on whether a dog should remain in a situation. I
>> don't know of any dog that hasn't made a misstep and the important
>> thing is that the dogs were corrected properly and immediately. In
>> fact they were still lying at our feet. They didn't stand up or approach
> in any way.
>> Sheila Leigland
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