[Nfb-history] Recording Toolbox

Tina Hansen th404 at comcast.net
Fri Jul 15 20:57:58 UTC 2011


That is why I urge people to set the bit rate and sampling rate high. A good 
standard is a bit rate of 128 and a sample rate of 44.1. If you need to go 
higher, set the bit rate to 256 and leave the sample rate at 44.1. If you 
need to compromise because your memory card is too small, set the bit rate 
to 64, but leave the sample rate at 44.1..

Should the recordings be mono or stereo? Personally, I don't care.

Also, if you can, place your recording equipment on the head table, or get a 
good seat in the front of the meeting room. That should cut down on audience 
noise, especially since the digital recorders are so lightweight. Just 
remember to grab your unit as you leave the meeting. Thanks. 

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