[NFB-NM] FW: Legal Notice of the Next Regular Meeting of the New Mexico Commission for the Blind to Convene Over Zoom on Wednesday, February 02, 2022, at 9:00 AM

nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com nfbnewmexicosecretary at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 03:43:33 UTC 2022

Best wishes,
Tonia Trapp, secretary
National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico
From: Burma, Kelly, CFB <Kelly.Burma at state.nm.us> 
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 3:45 PM
Subject: Legal Notice of the Next Regular Meeting of the New Mexico
Commission for the Blind to Convene Over Zoom on Wednesday, February 02,
2022, at 9:00 AM
Dear Tonia:
I hope this message continues to find you staying well. It is my pleasure to
write to send you the attached legal notices for the next regular meeting
which will take place on Wednesday, February 02, 2022, at 9:00 AM. Please
send these to the state-wide list. Both the Microsoft Word and PDF versions
are attached.
Kindest regards,
Kelly Burma, NCUEB
Skills Center Coordinator 
New Mexico Commission for the Blind
2200 Yale Boulevard SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Phone: (505) 841-8844 extension 32277 or (505) 383-2277
Toll Free in New Mexico Only: (888) 513-7958 Extension 32277
Fax: (505) 841-8850 or (505) 514-0717         
Cell Phone: (505) 379-2367 or (505) 615-6414
E-mail:  <mailto:Kelly.burma at state.nm.us> Kelly.burma at state.nm.us (also
available on Microsoft Teams by chat)
Short Message to Mobile Phone by E-mail:  <mailto:5056156414 at tmomail.net>
5056156414 at tmomail.net 
Web Site:  <http://www.cfb.state.nm.us/> http://www.cfb.state.nm.us 
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New Mexico Commission for hte Blind

Regular Meeting of Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Notes for Minutes from Kelly Burma

1. Call to Order at 1:05 PM

2. Roll Call

Shirley (Urja) Lansing
Dr. Robert (Bob) Reidy, not present
Archur A. Schreiber

3. Intoduction of Guests and Staff
Auditor Clón and his team
Brian Colón; 764 of awesome
Natalie cordova, CPA
Lynette Kennard, Financial Director
Greg Trapp, Executcve Dir
Jim Deputy
Kelly Burma, Skills Center Coordinator
Trish, Greg’s Secretarny
Daphne Mitchell, Program Manager of VocationalRehabilitation Unit
John Kreienkamp
Diana Marquez

4. Apprural of Changes to Agenda Order or Deletions
5. Apprval of Minutes of Special Meeting
Urja Mrves
Art seconds
Apprved with roll call vote
6. Chairman’s Report
Express honor of Brian Colón
Done audit and such a treat
John Kreienkamp 
Difficult period of this pandemic
Appreciate John Kreienkamp as our assigned AAG
7. Acceptance of State Fiscal Year 20 Audit, Brian Colón, State Auditor
Two house guests
Pillars: accountabbility, transparency and exellence
Opportunity to embrace third pillar 
Finance team and all components
Fantastic, clean audit
Celebrate excellence in government
All things like to see when come to finance side of house
Appreciate opportunity 
Admirer of work
Lynnette Kennard
Present high-level summary
Financial and compliance standards
Issued unmodiified epinion on fin statements as a whole
Compliance for VR program, major
Clean opiniopinin, best opinion, gi?en on audit
Related to capital asset reporting was resolved
Drafting their own financial statements
Detailed responses to inquiries
Really do want to than Auditor Colón and team
Really have striven to make sure that we are compliant
Fine work of Kevin, Janelle and their folks
Brian, this commission, from the very beginning, wanted to always do as good a job as possible
Many agencies such as ours which have not always had that good report
Worked hard over the years to achieve what staff has done
Thank you and thank you for excellence
Lend to quality of work, but lends to quality of reputation
Overseeing governments of 800 audits
Great financials
Albuquerque Sign Language Academy
Reach for excellence in inclusion and education
Commitment to serving your community
Congratulations to space of some who have different abilities
Sign language interpreter to all briefings at white house
Thank you for pointing this out as far as New Mexico is concerned
Tone at the top which matters as does president
Fortunatate to serve on Commission
Honored and proud to be connceted to Commission
Thank State Auditor
Lynette, Natalie, Joe and team
Thank you for holding us to those standards
Using tax payers money as best 
Secondly, thank commissioners
Attitude presented from the top
Appreciate work of financial and field staff
Find issues and quickly solve problems
Commitment makes good 
Kevin and Janelle were asked to present to another state agency which receives federal funds
This is the only agency that I will testify on behalf at HAFC
Only org agreed to do that for
Affirmatively stood with you on budget request
On your birthday
Great birthday gift
Appreciate kind and supportive words
Move: Urja
Second: Art 
Roll Call Vote: Yes
How soon before audit published
New search on web site: link in chat
8. Director’s Report
a. Major Trends and Developments
Gov Michelle
Jan 6 Journal article

Grant notification for a portion of FFY 21 grants
CR that Washington was under
Awaiting second set
Give us remainder of Fed Funds
Reduced spendign affected Pre-ETS 
Waiver of Pre-ETS or get past and return to Pre-Covid levels
Done by DOIT

C. IL and VR, James Salas

Regarding vacancies
Farmington VR position
Filled around Christmas
Katrina Campbell
Long hiinory in that part of the state 
Just finishing Masters in Rehab Counseling
Daphne working with Kathina in familiarizing
Still recruiting for Las Vegas
See if there are any applicants
Vacancy in Las Cruces for Assistive Tech Specialist
Fill one in ABQ in middle of November, Marsha Lujan
We are conducting interviews this week for other position
Greg mentioned in his report
Randolph-Shephard Relief and Restoration Repayment Program
RSA publishing guidlines on how distribution to be conducting
Team working on details on how to gather fin and inventory information
SFY: 11 in integrated
Avg wage: $25.56
FFY: 8 placements at $23.81
High avg wages
4 above $30
Therapist, Special Ed Therapist
25 in employment status
Exceeded 90 day min for closure
Some are not stable due to Covid
Not close until positions stablilize
d. Orientation Center, Lucy Mallahan
rep OC 
Continues to provide services remotely
Plans to return to 
4 part-time and 7 full-time
Add part-time this week
Skills Center and IL
Two vacancies
Two staff members who have received vaccine
One waiting
Dare to Be Remarkable
Remotely and open to consumers
City of Alamogordo
Change from C3 to R4
Project can proceed
How receiving training

Join in person
Providing training remotely hasallowed us to work with consumers who 
Can be so much better done in person 
Appropriate those when past pandemic
9. UnfinishedKusiness
a. Response to Coronavirus

Prioritizing through DeaAFN
Vaccine prioritization
Position papg adoptedby NCSAB
Imprortance of provided services
Vubnerable: older and at risk; diabetes
Compelling reason for provided services
Treated as 1A Priority Category
Affected by Coronavrirus early on
Suspended services to facilities
Successful in getting IL and VR pffoviders
Over Martin Luther King Holiday which gave opportunity to have 
Get almost 90% veacinated over MLK 
Provided information to other offices
Accessible, physically at vaccination sites
Real Time Solutions 
Such a high percentage of staff vaccinated
2  receiving first dose 
2 more on waiting list
One more this week
Criticality of staff vaccinated 
Will refognize for med and truely held religious beliefs
Everybody has had at least one shot
15 day point for MLK massed some immunity
Not transferring virus to fam and friends
Safe and effective

Staf excited to get vaccine
Partner or spouse coat tail with employee and get vaccine basically at same time
Great positive for staff and their own family members
Still working in people's homes as necessary
Following practices coordinated with Department of Realth
Adding extra layer of armor: piece of mind
Tomorrow or Thursday
Setup in home
Briefed early as part of DOH coordination
New info on CDC web site
Keep up current guidance
Protect employees and consumers
Received call out of the blue and wants to get vaccine
Working on getting information necessary to pass along to Department of Health
Very imprortant who do not have computer at all
Phone based approach to getting registered
Able to explain benies of IL services
Kelly and I argued very strongly about phone system
Send out to staff regarding details as to which option to take
Four pieces of data
Iublic service providing
Transporting some residents to vaccine appointment
Starting with Alamogordo
One individual requested transportation for scheduled appointment
Dorm workers have agreed to provide transportation
Special circumstances in Alamogordo
Sseed up opening
Real durth of transportation options
Funded entirely with state gen funds
Normally be an issue with cost allocation methodology
Virtual: no infrastructure cost
VA has been taking care of the vets
Three calls to get the vaccine
VA is working on their roster as well

b. Residency Req for Emergency Eye Care

On exception basis, long-term residents
Make that formally and officcially part of program
Continue discussion as to expand which proceedures are provided
Eligible for deferred action or path to citizenship
Move: Urja
Pad to citizenship or eligible for such
Second: Art

!ocll Call: Yes
Thank Greg and John for getting this its proper view
Motion passed
c. Approval of Revised Allowable Cost Policy and Procedure
Driven by different devs at Fed Level
Set of revs the Uniform Grant Guidance
Changed quite a few citations
Changed report period from 90 jo 120
Liquidation: 90 to 120
Add Lieutenant Governor under list of public officials
Citation change did not get added to version
5 Paragraph b: 13-1-191.1 for change
Section 6: Prior Apprval: put in place prior appoval procedures
Experience helps to be compliant with regs
Three refs to written; remove two refs
Confirmation of Pior Approval Section
Additional changes under Section 12 to Stephen’s Ammendment
Burried within fed regs
Using new and corrct citation
Change language to add new fed fiscal year 21
Section 13: A
Disclosure of Conflicts of Interests
Paragraph G noting that conflict be done
Protection against retaliation
Important to have available 
Section 14: Instances of fraud, bribery or gratuity
Under state law, any criminab activity or infractions
Made a reference regarding Fraud Against Tax Payers’ Act
Rest of items are citation changes which fix the references under UGG
FY21 to FY20
Amount grter:
Currently Stephen’s Ammendment $5,050,503.00 $5,134,772 $1,318,069
Expect Supported Emplyment Change
Motion to apprure allowable cost policy 
Minor changes to accurately reflect fund- received and req match
UrjaMove to approve to Stephen’s Ammendment according to Grant Notices
Art Seconds
Made UGG before November 12,
Eld: Before Nevember 12
Dewaf Nov 12
Does not 
October: bn Sept. 30, first fiscal year completion date
look at matter to ID and look at clarfication
GregN sure of logic, not in practical 
Long spent 
Something we will definitely continue to study
Roll Call
Motion carried

d. Status of the Revision to the Commission for the Blind Act
Item that we have looked at for a long act
Provision of legal bblness
Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Modify Commission to expand from 3 to 5 or 7 members
reach out and make sure public has an adequate opportunity
Discussion during lefgislative session
Did not anticipate push-back rel to Independent Commission
Gold standard
SRAC to SRC and duties to fulfill
Concern that SRC has specific members and not all rep would be maintained
Ways to make sure that all voice are heard
Given pandemic and reservations raised
Focus on reopening services in safe way
Hold ofc and visit once subsides
Thank you and Chairman agrees with that
Urja agrees
e. Report on Status of Kirkland
Bacground Refresher
Blind manager running Thunderbiffd Inn for 20 years and successfully
Hennessee Trophies: 3
Five-year contractts had gen been negotiated, no drama
Contracting office were not going to recognize 
Put out for bid
We did not think too highly of that
Enlisted service of lawyer based in Austin TX
Specializes in Randolph-Shephard
Realized that they were better served and canceling bid
Negotiating with us 
1.5 year extension
Spoke with Diana
Formally going to get back in touch in May
Believe that it will be simple renegotiation
Contract effective now in September
Kelly with John
Kevin with Procurement
10. New Business
a. Governmental Conduct Act Resolution
Same as pst 
Notation that it is electronically signed
Assumed three Commissioners
John, ought to handle that
Ammend it to 
Past unanimously 
GregThe laffter, Art signing on behalf of the Commission
Small citation 10-15-1
Move to approve 10-16-1 and authorizing Chairman Schreiber to move 
Second: Art
Roll Call Vote
Urja: Yes
Art: Yes

b. Discussion and Approval Attorney Client Privelidge
Memo I wrote and distributed
Issue that we have here addresses the issue of our
AT VR Counselor
Righticipate in IEP 
Zoom or geleconference
Doing it that way for many years
Aware of sister agency
Intervpretation, if not licensed or certified
Because that potentially applied to us
Coming from legal council
Hasten to add that all of us are very concerned about the safety of children
Adequate supervision
Interviews: felony background
Went forward, very seriously impact on our ability to conduct business
Consumers who might be school employees
Waive attorney client privelidge
Serve students and comply with fed law
Greg reached out to me at the very end of December
Raised for the first time by DVR
Phone with one of PED’S attorneys
Not in PED
Opinion brought to them
Opposite read from DVR
Claims that School Personnel Act req that students
Under strong opinion 
Employees of a public school
Franky, Commission just does not fall into that
PED cannot interpret that issue 
Aspects we can look into if this issue continues
Avenue to look into with steps affectuated
Interpretation that has stood for 20 years
Jim, Daphne or Kelly
Defending on cert hequired, Technology for Children
Participating remotely
Certainly have the ability to background check employees and will implement
JimUnnec barrier
Attending IEP meetings and other kinds of activities
Greg is right on track
Pre-ETS contractors would not be able to go into the schools
High school campus
Students are not as available 
Parent choice

Parent choice
Importaot that we communicate it
Release officially that opinion
What we don’t know is whether steps are going to be taken to take issue out of theory and put into practice
If continues, in practice, share opinion
Motion would authorize Greg as Executive Director, should it be necessary in order to be certain that we can access schools
Often treated in the same way as DVR
Necessary for us to communicate
Barriers in school because we are being treated as DVR
Move that we authorize Executive Director
Commision staff to access public schools
Roll Call Vote
All Yes
c. Approval to change the number of personal days for Ext employees to 2 days
State Personnel Board Rules changes
Gov Ex and Ex Ot 
1 8enhour personal leave day 
Exot in the middle
Flexibility needs to address
Got 2 days exot 
1 personal leave
Same number of personal leave days
Allow personal
Entire day at a time 
Shall not be paid for personal leave days upon separation

Commission Policy Action
Move: Urja; Exot from 1 to 2
Secnded by Art
Roll Call: All Yes
11. Commission Open Discussion 
Tragedy at VA Rehab Center yesterday morning
Employee working all night got in her car 
Ex-husband waiting in his car and fired seeveral bullets in her car
Hit at least once
Shoot-out and was killed 
Referred individual to VA
Thoughts and prayers with victim and family
Rehab Center not taking anyone, doing it all by phone; isn’t very good
Don’t have ability to look at computer
12. Comments from the Audience
Wait to see if get it at Walgreens
Not medical conversation 
Speaking ginerically
Clearly overwhelmed with response
Pfiser and Moderna: 95% effective
Less so if become seriously ill
Really 100%
One shot: refrigertated or frozen
Continue to work with blind community, e-mail Kelly Burma
Benefit of vaccine reaching local pharmacies
Comfortable, relationship
Quick, advantage
Guidance from CDC

Appeciate Diana xand thank for interest
April 23rd at 9:00 AM
Still scheduling virtually
Schedule June or July meeting
14. Adjourn at 3:55 PM


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