[Nfb-seniors] NFB of Nebraska Senior Division - upcoming meeting - And News About Groundhogs

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Thu Feb 2 22:25:49 UTC 2017

Hi You All

RE: February 13rd  is the meeting - also, below is information about our
furry little friends, the Groundhog


Contents of this message:

**#1 About our meeting.

**#2 Info about our furry friends.


**#1 About our meeting:

*When and how to get on the call


*Minutes not included in this message; will be in next reminder 

*The NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday February 13rd 

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Steve will have the honor for
this month)

-Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted



-Anything that you may bring from prior meetings 


-The Friends of the Commission has a fund raiser - members will tell us
about it.

-Also the Friends of the Commission is offering one-on-one technology
training; learn more about this opportunity!

-Anything you may bring 


*#3 Philosophical Discussion: what and why you use helpful apps on your
phone or computer, and/or any helpful gadgets that you make use of. What is
independence, and how do you limit the limitations of blindness.  


--Finally- Brags & Drags



*#4 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


**#2 Info about our furry friends:


Description: The woodchuck, also called groundhog, and whistle pigs is the
largest member of the squirrel family in the state. This stocky,
medium-sized mammal is built for digging with short, strong legs and long,
curved claws on the front feet. The fur ranges from light to dark brown,
with lighter guard hairs giving a frosted appearance. The feet are dark
brown to black. The woodchuck has a short, bushy, almost flattened tail, and
small, rounded ears that can close over the ear openings to keep out debris
while the animal is underground. Males and females are similar in
appearance, although males are slightly larger.


Background: Before the early settlers arrived in this country, most of
eastern landscape was forested. Woodchucks, at the time, lived in the
scattered forest openings. As land was cleared for farms and houses, this
highly adaptable animal also found suitable habitat in associated fields and
along forest edges. This new habitat provided a more reliable source of
food. The woodchuck is now more abundant in the eastern US than it was
during Colonial times.


Range: The woodchuck's range extends from eastern Alaska, through much of
Canada, into the eastern United States, and south to northern Georgia.


Habitat and Diet: Open woodlands, forest edges, farm pastures, meadows,
brushy areas, fields, suburban yards/gardens, and grassy highway
rights-of-way and utility corridors all provide habitat for woodchucks.
These animals also are well-adapted to living in human-dominated landscapes,
such as residential areas with mixed woodland cover.


Woodchucks feed on succulent plants, such as clover, alfalfa, dandelion,
herbs, grasses, and garden crops. They also eat tree leaves, buds, bark,
twigs, fruits, and newly-planted flowers.


Life History: Woodchucks usually breed in their second year, but a small
percentage may breed as a yearling. The breeding season starts when they
emerge from hibernation in early March. Males emerge from hibernation first
in early spring, and begin to search for females. One male will mate with
several females. Some males will remain in the same den with the female
through the 28- to 32-day gestation period. As birth of the young approaches
in April or May, the male will leave the den. One litter is produced
annually, usually containing 2 to 6 blind, naked, and helpless young. Young
woodchucks are weaned and begin foraging outside the den at 5 to 6 weeks of
age, and are ready to seek their own dens shortly after.


Interesting Facts: Classified as rodents, woodchucks are related to mice,
squirrels, porcupines, and beavers.


Woodchucks emit a shrill whistle when alarmed, followed by a chattering
"chuck, chuck" sound. They do not get their name from "chucking" wood, but
rather from a corruption of the Algonquin word "wuchak."


Excellent diggers, woodchucks dig both simple and complex burrow systems,
whose depth and length depend on the type of soil. Most burrows are 25 to 30
feet long and from 2 to 5 feet deep, with at least 2 entrances, although
sometimes more. The main entrance is often the most conspicuous, with a
large mound of freshly dug dirt nearby. The other less visible entrances are
used for escape purposes. A nesting chamber for sleeping and raising young
is found at the end of the main tunnel; a separate toilet chamber helps keep
the burrow clean. Woodchucks may have 2 burrows: a winter den, in a wooded
area, that is deep enough to keep them from freezing, and also a summer den,
in open flat or gently rolling areas.


During the warmer months, woodchucks are commonly seen in early morning or
late afternoon. They might sleep in the sun during midday hours on rocks or
logs near the safety of the burrow entrance. Even while feeding, they
usually will not venture more than a few hundred yards away from the burrow
entrance. Woodchucks rely on their keen hearing and sense of smell to give
them enough time to escape to their dens when danger is near. Their sense of
location and navigation is aided by following scent markings made with
secretions from a gland located in the mouth. Secretions are left on the
surface of saplings, trees, and rocks in their surroundings, especially
along trails from feeding areas to burrows.


Woodchucks can be fierce fighters when cornered by potential predators,
which include dogs, coyotes, foxes, bears, bobcats, mink, weasels, hawks,
and owls.


The woodchuck is one of the few mammals classified as a true hibernator.
During 4 to 5 months in winter, the heart, respiration, and metabolism rates
of true hibernators are greatly reduced and the animals are nourished from
their fat reserves. Toward the end of summer, as cooler weather begins,
woodchucks increase their feeding activity to put on a thick layer of fat,
which is essential for a long hibernation. By the end of October, most
woodchucks have begun their winter sleep, curled up in nests of dried grass
and leaves located in burrows below the frost line. The burrow entrance is
sealed off with dirt. Woodchucks arise slowly from hibernation during March.

Although woodchucks are primarily terrestrial, they can climb trees up to 15
feet or more to escape an enemy and to even feed on the berries and leaves
of some trees, such as red mulberry and hackberry. They also take to the
water and are good swimmers.

Abandoned burrows of woodchucks are used for den sites or escape cover by a
variety of wildlife, including skunks, raccoons, foxes, rabbits, opossums,
weasels, and snakes.


Management of Problems: Damage and problems caused by woodchucks can usually
be classified into three categories:

1.         Feeding damage to home gardens and various agricultural crops
like beans, peppers, squash, and greens. 

2.         The frequenting of lawns; establishment of dens under decks and
sheds; and associated burrowing damages to landscape plantings and lawns.
Similarly, burrowing damages to farm pastures/fields, burrows posing a
safety threat to large livestock and horses, and damage to farm equipment. 

3.         Damage to fruit and ornamental trees, and occasionally to decks
and home siding, caused by woodchucks gnawing for scent marking or clawing
to wear down the winter growth of their teeth and sharpen their claws.

An effective method of controlling woodchucks, and other wildlife, in a
garden situation is to erect a fence. A sturdy fence at least 3 feet high
will keep most medium-sized animals out. However, woodchucks may try to
burrow under the fence. It is recommended that the fence extend underground
another 1.5 to 2 feet. Woodchucks have been known to climb over fences, in
which case a 1-foot extension that is bent outward at a 90-degree angle
should be added to the top of the fence, or the fence be "loosely"
constructed to bend outward when an animal attempts to climb up. Placement
of an electric hot shot wire 4 to 6 inches above ground and/or at the top of
the fence will prevent woodchucks from climbing up and over the fence.

Woodchucks can be excluded from burrowing under sheds and porches by placing
galvanized wire mesh along the openings and burying it at least 1.5 to 2
feet underground.


Respectfully yours,

Robert Leslie Newman

NFBN Senior Division, President

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