[NFB-Utah] 2018 NFB of Utah Scholarships

Nfb Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 00:38:37 UTC 2018

To Whom it May Concern:

If you are receiving this email, you have students/clients/members who I
thought might benefit from this scholarship information. Please consider
sharing the following flyer far and wide to your blind/visually impaired
and/or deaf-blind clients, and feel free to contact me
(contact information below) with any questions.
Deja Powell

2018 National Federation of the Blind of Utah/NFB of Utah
Where to Apply:
Email documents to deja.powell at gmail.com.

Who Can Apply?
•Anyone who is blind or visually impaired, and
•Anyone who is be currently residing in Utah, or plans to attend
college in Utah for fall 2018, and
•Anyone who is pursuing or planning to pursue a full-time, post
secondary course of study in a program at a United States institution in
the 2018 scholastic year, and
•Anyone who can commit to attending the entire NFB of Utah state
convention April 19, 20, & 21, 2018 in Salt Lake City at the Sheraton Hotel
(all expenses covered), and
•Anyone who has NOT won two NFB of Utah scholarships in past.

Application Deadline:
March 31, 2018!!

Contact: NFB of Utah Scholarship Chairperson Deja Powell by email at
deja.powell at gmail.com, or by phone at 801-891-3430.

Jerry Nealey
Hotline 801-info-nfb (801-632-6632)
follow us on twitter @nfbutah
follow us on facebook nfbu

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