[NFB-Utah] February 25 NFB Salt Lake chapter meeting reminder

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 17:03:17 UTC 2023

Fellow Federationists and Friends of the NFB of Utah (Salt Lake Chapter),


Reminder about this month in person Salt Lake Chapter meeting and elections, This Saturday February 25 at 11:00 AM at  the DSBVI Building.  Location information below.


Meeting Highlights:

*	Presidential Release
*	elections for open positions First Vice President, and two  Board Members (Details below)
*	National, State, and Local NFB reports
*	State Convention.  See attached Donation and Sponsor letters.  Links for convention registration and hotel reservations below.
*	Washington Seminar recap
*	Accessible Technology demonstration/discussion. 



During this month’s meeting we will be having elections including one Officer and two board Member positions. This will be a good time for you to join us and exercise your rights to vote.  To vote, you need to join this month’s chapter meeting and have paid, or promise to pay,  the annual $2 membership dues to vote.  If you came to last year’s Christmas/Holiday party,  your membership dues were paid. If you missed the party, we have several additional ways to pay.  You can click on this link: 

fhttps://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick <https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=C5V56J8ZM5H4S> &hosted_button_id=C5V56J8ZM5H4S .  

This will direct you to the NFB Utah donation website and then you can choose to use PayPal, credit card, or debit card.  If you plan to use this option, please put “Salt Lake chapter membership dues” in the note section. Or you can send cash or check to our chapter Treasurer. If you choose to send cash or check, please reply and we will send you the treasurers mailing address. 


Meeting location:
Meet In-Person at Utah State Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired.  250 N 1950 W  Salt Lake City, Utah.


        NFB State convention will be April 20 -22, 2023 at the Provo Marriott. Please click on the link below to reserve  a room: 

https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1668027448739 <https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1668027448739&key=GRP> &key=GRP  

You can register for the convention at the following link:

 <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKQEduyszupgnSzQ-YIfC46K9NWF6H7m6ynyP4Q7DnWqG5PQ/viewform> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKQEduyszupgnSzQ-YIfC46K9NWF6H7m6ynyP4Q7DnWqG5PQ/viewform


Chapter and Affiliate Information:

If you would like to sign-up to receive periodic NFB Utah affiliate/chapter notifications via text message, click on: https://tapit.us/b2XlpK.  This will direct you to a form that just needs your cell phone number and name to subscribe to this program.


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