[Nfbc-info] FYI FW: Speak to DOR: California's State Plan under WIOA
Michael Hingson
mike at michaelhingson.com
Thu Mar 12 13:50:43 UTC 2015
From: Xavier, Joe at DOR [mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 6:28 AM
To: Xavier, Joe at DOR
Subject: Speak to DOR: California's State Plan under WIOA
California Department of Rehabilitation
WIOA Public Forum - California's State Plan
The <http://www.doleta.gov/wioa/> Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
(WIOA) brings significant opportunity to improve services for individuals
with disabilities, especially youth and students with disabilities. WIOA
authorizes federal employment and training programs. It is designed to help
individuals acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for today's economy
and connect employers to the skilled workers they need. There have been no
greater changes to the law affecting our programs since the 1992
Rehabilitation Act amendments.
Please join the California Department of Rehabilitation in a public forum to
share information and collect feedback from our partners on changes under
WIOA. This public forum will give you an opportunity to respond to
questions that will assist DOR in identifying opportunities where we can
collaborate with our partners to assist more Californians with disabilities
in going to work. We look forward to discussing topics such as the newly
. Submission of a single, unified/combined State Plan inclusive of
four core programs, including Vocational Rehabilitation, by the California
Workforce Investment Board.
. Common performance measures for adults and youth across core
. Measurement of the effectiveness of core programs in serving
. Separate assessment of the needs of youth and students with
disabilities for transition and pre-employment transition services.
In the next few days be on the lookout for questions that we will forward to
help frame our conversation with you!
We look forward to hearing your ideas and recommendations.
Teleconference details:
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
CALL IN NUMBER: 800-779-9065
Please plan to log into the call 15 minutes early.
Thank you,
Joe Xavier
Department of Rehabilitation
Note: The California Department of Rehabilitation, an equal opportunity
employer/program, is holding this event. Auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Individuals who
require disability related accommodations must contact the California
Department of Rehabilitation at (916) 558-5899 or <mailto:WIOA at dor.ca.gov>
WIOA at dor.ca.gov.
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