[NFBNJ] The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Northern Chapter Meeting on Saturday September 15, 2018 at the Bloomfield Civic Center

ems553 at comcast.net ems553 at comcast.net
Tue Sep 11 16:52:30 UTC 2018

Sent for:  Rick Fox, Interim President, NFBNJ Northern Chapter 

Received from Ellen Sullivan, Interim Secretary 


The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey

Northern Chapter Meeting

Date: Saturday September 15, 2018

Time: 10:00 AM to Noon

Location: Bloomfield Civic Center. 84 Broad Street, Room 6, 2nd Floor


1.       Meeting facility orientation

2.       Call to order

3.       Opening prayer

4.       Introductions/roll call 

5.       Remembrance's and moment of silence for Rebecca

6.       NFB's mission , if there are new people

7.       Minutes

8.       Treasurer Status

9.       Presidential Release: Play and discussion

10.   Committees

A.	Fundraising
B.	Legislation
C.	Others?

11.   State Convention Updates

A.	When
B.	Where
C.	Who
D.	Hotel reservations
E.	Pre- registration               
F.	Brief overview of Agenda
G.	Auction Items and Door Prizes

12.   Fun and Fund Raisers: Ellen Sullivan

13.   Dues payments for 2019

14.   Old Business:

15.   New Business:

16.   Round the Room:

17.   Adjournment


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