[NFBNJ] Minutes from the march 7 Diabetic call and upcoming April 4 Diabetic meeting

Ed Godfrey edgodfrey1957 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 00:16:48 UTC 2019

The Thursday, March 7 NJ Diabetic committee meeting was called to order at 8:15 P. M. by Committee chairman Ed Godfrey

Those on the call were: Chairman Ed Godfrey Co-chair Angela Parone, Lester Cameron, Lori Demarko, John Dehmer, Don Warlow, Sherry Rollins, Brian Kene, Cynthia Jones, Jerry Fontenelli and Guest speaker Doctor Denise Robinson. 

Dr. Robinson gave a very informative presentation to the group.  She started out by comparing the Dexcom and Freestyle Libre glucose monitoring systems which allow the diabetic to monitor there glucose without having to stick their finger.  She said that she did not find the libre system to be accurate for her.  She found that the dexcom system worked better for her.  Lori also reported that the libre did not work for her but worked well for her husband. Dr. Robinson explained how these two systems worked by whereing a sensor on the back of the arm.  The sensor needs to be replaced every fourteen days, but she explained how she was able to extend trick the life of the sensor into lasting longer. 

Dr. Robinson took questions from the members.  Some of the topics discussed were, diet, exercise, managing stress, how low and high blood sugar effect the body and brain.  Low blood sugars effect the brain where very high sugar has more effect on the body especially the feet.  Based on the questions from the group Dr. Robinson made many suggestions and recommendations to help us feel better and manage our sugar.    Here are a few of those suggestions.

1.        Before exercising, bring your sugar up to about 200 this will avoid low sugar during your work out. 

2.       Whereing an Amber bracelet can help avoid leg pains and headaches. 

3.       Different food effects each of us differently.  By testing your sugar two hours after eating a specific food item especially carbs sugars you can determine how that carb or sugar item effects your sugar levels. 

4.       Use cetaphil moistening cream to keep your skin moist, Use peroxide and baking soda to clean the mouth.   

5.       Dr. Robinson said she learned what she learned by doing a lot of research and recommended that we research information about various medications and foods.  Finally, she said that while diet, exercise and medications can help manage our diabetes, have a good positive attitude makes a big difference.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P. M.

Submitted by Ed Godfrey

 I want to apologize to the group for not getting much of the great information the Dr. Robbinson gave.  I had a hard time keeping up writing down what she was saying and at times my phone kept cutting in and out.  If you have any typs that were offered by Dr. Robinson, please post so we can all share in the great information that she gave.

Our next diabetic call will be on Thursday, April 4 at 8:00 P. M.

The call in number is 

605 468 8005
Code: 460994
I will be unavailable to make the call, however, committee co-chair Angela will run the meeting.  

Thanks Ed Godfrey

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