[NFBNJ] National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey: Town Hall Meeting about County Para Transit Systems June 30, 2020

Ellen Sullivan ems553 at comcast.net
Mon Jul 27 17:24:24 UTC 2020

>From the Desk of Joe Ruffalo, President, National Federation of the Blind of
New Jersey

Submitted by Ellen Sullivan,  Affiliate Secretary




   Below you will find the minutes for our Town Hall Meeting about County
Para Transit Systems. Special thanks to all our participants and to Linda
Melendez for co-hosting and moderating the meeting. 


Warmly, Joe


Also attached are:

-Slides Presented by Anna Magri and Janelle Rivera

-List of names for New Jersey Transportation Management Associations

-Names and contacts for the New Jersey Council on Special Transportation


Meeting Minutes:

Subject:  Town Hall Meeting; The National Federation of the Blind of New
Jersey Sponsored a Town Hall Meeting about County Paratransit Systems with:

*	Keynote speaker Michael Vieira, a member of the New Jersey Council
on Special Transportation (NJ COST) and the NJT Citizens Advisory Council
*	Anna Magri, NJT Director Local Programs, Minibus Support and
Community Transportation
*	Janelle Rivera, NJT Manager of Local Programs
*	Basil Giletto, NJ Transit Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) Chair, for
Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities

The meeting was held to share how local county paratransit systems in New
Jersey work to provide services to seniors, people with disabilities and low
income individuals.  This meeting was coordinated by Linda Melendez, 1st
Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey (NFBNJ)  and
Chair of the NFBNJ Access Link Transit Committee and Member and Liaison, NJ
Transit Citizens Advisory Council (CAC).


Date/Time: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. The meeting started promptly
at 8:00 p.m.

Media: Zoom

Host: Joe Ruffalo, President of the National Federation of the Blind of New
Jersey (NFBNJ)

Co-host and moderator: Linda Melendez, 1st Vice President, NFBNJ

Attendees: Approximately 50 members and friends and our honored guests




President Ruffalo thanked everyone for being on the call and said we are
grateful to have this discussion with leaders representing New Jersey's
County Paratransit Systems so we can work together to solve issues of
transportation that have a major impact on blind and vision impaired

Our guests shared with us the history of county paratransit systems in New
Jersey, how they currently work and the plan to improve services for the

Meeting Details:

Anna Magri, shared about the history of NJ Transit Services stating that it
is one of the largest in the nation and includes local bus services, light
rail lines,  commuter rail lines, Access Link Paratransit services as well
as county paratransit services serving 21 counties in New Jersey. She
focused the bulk of her presentation on local programs, minibus support and
community transportation as this is her job.

Anna works with Janelle Rivera to manage an annual budget of $49M from state
revenues and private grants. A good amount of their budget comes from Casino
Revenue Funding (SCDRTAP) and due to the Covid 19 Pandemic this income
source is rapidly diminishing. The purpose of her office is to provide
transportation services to meet the needs of senior citizens, people with
disabilities, rural and low income residents.

Anna pointed out that there is no uniformity in the way local paratransit
services operate-all counties operate differently however each county must
have representation on the Citizens Advisory Council (CAC). 

Janelle Rivera talked of some of the initiatives that are planned as we
progress down the road to recovery and these will include educating the
public about accessible services using videos. She also talked about
strategies being used to keep riders and drivers safe and get people to
important medical appointments, food shopping, pharmacy visits etc. by
networking with other  service providers such as Lyft and Uber.

Janelle shared about the number of mobile applications that are available on
NJ Transit and the need for a "Comprehensive Trip Planner" all under one
application to better serve consumers. Finally, Janelle commented about
testing going on with autonomous vehicles.

Anna and Janelle provided Linda Melendez with a copy of their slides and a
list of telephone numbers for contacts on the Council on Special
Transportation by county.

Basil Giletto is Chair of the NJ Transit Citizens Advisory Council (CAC). He
thanked Linda for her membership on this Committee and said she brings a lot
of value to the Council's work.

Basil also shared about his personal family history of needing to provide
transportation support to his mother who had medical issues that prevented
her from driving herself. Basil works in the Limousine Transportation
Industry out of Princeton. He spoke briefly about services in Mercer County
and stated that as a member of CAC he needs to serve the stakeholders that
include the NFBNJ. He commented that revenues are diminishing, and it is
critically important that residents of New Jersey complete the U.S. Census
because this determines how much Federal financial support New Jersey will
receive for county transportation systems. 

Mr. Giletto said CAC membership includes people over 60 and those with a
disability. Each county is represented and may not have more than three
individuals from a designated region. All NJ Transit County Public Hearing
Forms are open to the public and he thanked Linda Melendez for the email
"Blast" to encourage members of the NFBNJ to attend their last meeting.

Michael Vieira, the Keynote Speaker, and a member of the New Jersey Council
on Special Transportation (NJ COST) and the NJT Citizens Advisory Council
(CAC) was last to share. Michael directs community transportation services
in Essex County. He said NJ COST was founded in 1981 to provide services to
seniors and people with disabilities. He said that the 21 New Jersey County
Services are part of the COST organization. COST is an advocacy group for
community transportation. He said they provide information to NJ Legislators
and those who need assistance with transportation. While there are 21
counties in New Jersey, Burlington, and Camden work together thus there are
20 county wide transportation initiatives throughout the state. All counties
operate differently. Some services are strictly geared towards seniors and
disabled individuals while others include economically disadvantage
individuals and rural dwellers. Also, the scope of services may be different
from county to county. For example, some counties focus on urgent care needs
(medical, food shopping, pharmacies, jobs etc.) and others include
non-essential travel. Some counties charge fares and others don't. Services
are impacted by funding. As previously stated county programs are supported
by the NJ Casino Revenue Fund and transportation receives 8.5% of what goes
into this fund. In the 1980's, this was great however, due to the pandemic
revenues have greatly diminished.

County run paratransit systems determine the "map" of their services. So,
where you live matters. In Essex County services are provided up to 10 miles
outside the county. This may not be the case in other counties. He said the
pandemic has provided new challenges to providing ridership as we need to
adhere to social distancing requirements, and this means that less people
can be transported at one time. All riders and drivers must wear masks and
initially services were triaged to assure people who require kidney
dialysis, chemotherapy and other lifesaving  medical care were given first
priority for rides. Through the use of weekly Zoom Meetings county service
providers were able to meet and strategize and learn from each other. Essex
county also leveraged their capacity by using third party providers like
Lyft and Uber. Throughout the crisis Essex County has provided upwards of
150 to 175 rides a day. While we are on the "Road to Recovery" the road is a
bumpy one and we don't know what will happen with a second round of Covid.

President Ruffalo thanked all our guests for their informative presentations
and for the services they provide to the community. He said we are also
grateful to the drivers who are first responders in the pandemic. We need to
continue to show mutual respect for each other and realize that we need to
meet each other in the middle to maximize these services for our

Questions and Answers:

Linda Melendez coordinated questions from the floor.

Q: Essex County:  There was a lot of valuable information shared and as a
resident of Essex County for 20 years and a long time member of the NFB I
was unaware of all these services and I suspect others aren't either. We
need to get this information out to the consumer.

A: Michael Vieira encourage folks to call him at 973 395 8418 to discuss how
we can better work together to assure folks who qualify for these services
are aware of them. Anna Magri said she provided Linda with a copy of their
slides (Janelle and Anna's) as well as key contact information and hopes
Linda will share this with NFBNJ members. She said we are always looking for
feedback. Linda Melendez commented about our Newsline that is supported by
the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CBVI) and this is a tool
that could help to disperse the information to blind New Jerseyeans. She
asked Jane Degenshein to speak about Newsline and she did. All agreed this
was an excellent suggestion. President Ruffalo emphasized that Newsline is
available to all print disabled individuals. 

Q: Bergen County: for 30 years I have been working without success to get
para transit services in our county. Who do I contact to address the needs
of Bergen County?

A: Anna Magri said we have a new Director of County Para Transit services in
Bergen County and vehicles to operate throughout the county including
Mahwah. She has provided Linda Melendez with these contacts and their
telephone numbers. Please do reach out to express your concerns and needs.

Q: Burlington County: With New Jersey having a proud history of "home rule"
do you think there will ever be consistency in county to county services? 

A: Michael Vieira: I don't think so except for the two counties (Burlington
and Camden) that are run by the same agency. Each county has different
funding revenues-some counties contribute funding (Essex does) and other
counties do not. Less resources leads to less services. We do encourage a
level of county cooperation; however, we cannot control decisions.

Q: Union County: asked about a "Central Hub" for sharing information about
county paratransit services as there is so much information on different
apps and it is hard to get your arms around it. Also, could the information
be accessible through Amazon Echo?

A: Anna Magri said all counties must list transportation services. These can
be found on websites and in libraries. She also said they are working on a
"Comprehensive Trip Planner" as mentioned by Janelle that would involve
access to a single App. We want to know about all the accessible apps that
can be used to share this information.

Q: Morris County:  When I reached out to Morris County paratransit services
I was directed to the town "Dial-a-Ride" because of my zip code.

A: Michael Vieira: This should not be the only option available and she
should reach out to Morris County Area Para Transit System (MAPS). A new
Director has been appointed in Morris County. 

Q: Mercer County: Is it up to the counties to have partnerships with Lyft
and Uber?

A: Michael Vieira: these partnerships are encouraged. Basil Giletto said
Mercer County has Ride Provide and this does partner with Lyft and Uber.  He
suggested calling:  609 452 1491 for more information.

Q: Middlesex County: How are travel "borderlines established". He has a
doctor five miles away from his home and was forced to get a doctor 15 miles
away in order to stay within county borders (Monmouth and Middlesex).

A: Anna Magri: please call the new Director to see how his needs can better
be served. This is a great opportunity to "make service happen". (Note:
Linda Melendez confirmed that she will be sending out contact information
for the counties as provided to her).

Q: Burlington County: I reached out to my county and they directed me to
"Dial-a-Ride". Was this due to my address?

A: Michael Vieira: "Dial-a-Ride" is contracted by some counties to provide

Note: All the members who asked questions thanked the guests for their
informative presentations. (Note-other members were muted to control outside

President Ruffalo and First Vice President thanked all the participants and
our guest speakers for their educational and motivational presentations and
for the time they took from their evening to share with the NFBNJ. Linda
stated our goal is "CPS": Communicate, Participate and Share!

The meeting was adjourned at 9:44 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Ellen Sullivan, Affiliate Secretary and
reviewed by Joe Ruffalo, President and Linda Melendez First Vice President,








Office of Local Programs, Minibus Support and

Community Mobility

June 30, 2020


NJ TRANSIT is the nation's largest statewide public transportation system
providing more than 944,000 weekday trips.

.      251 bus routes (18,000 bus stops)

.          Three light rail lines (62 light rail stations)

.          12 commuter rail lines (165 rail stations)

.      Access Link paratransit service

.      Pass through Federal and State Funds to State agencies,

Counties, municipalities and non-profits


.      Administer approximately $49M annually in State and FTA grants and
programs throughout New Jersey.

.      Casino Revenue Funding (SCDRTAP)

.      Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Senior and PWD

.      Section 5311 Rural Area Funding

.      Designed to meet the needs of senior citizens, people with
disabilities, rural and low income residents.

.      Can be used for operating, administration and capital expenses.

.      Over 100+ subrecipients throughout the State.


.      Subrecipients must participate in the locally developed Coordinated
Human Services Transportation Plans (CHSTP) to be included in grants. We
participate in these plans and facilitate coordination amongst subrecipients
who are non-profits, for profits and local governments to ensure no
duplication of services with grant funds.


.      We administer all grants in accordance with FTA  and State


.                  Senior Citizen, Disabled Residents Transportation
Assistant Program (SCDRTAP) -Transportation for seniors and people with
disabilities designated to the 21 counties for Administration, Operating and
Capital projects. 85% of allocation goes to the 21 counties, 5% for NJT
capital accessibility projects and 10% for NJT program Administration.

.                    FTA Section 5310 - Enhanced mobility for seniors and
individuals with disabilities is an annual competitive grant formula
distribution funding by population (small urban, non-urban and UZAs).
Eligible activities includes operating, capital and mobility management
projects. NJT provides local 20% for capital projects (including mobility
management). Requires local 50% match for operating projects. Currently
there are 100+ Section S5310 subrecipients including counties,
municipalities, State & non-profits agencies with 400 active S5310 vehicles.

.                  FTA Section 5311/ 5311 innovation- Designated grant for
rural areas of NJ general public transportation. There are 14 Section 5311
projects. S5311 innovation grant was implemented in 2015 as a initiative for
agencies to develop deviated route services and/ or shared ride taxi service
for rural areas of the state providing more options where public transit is


21 County Coordinated Systems

.       Modes of Service

.        Demand Response

.        Deviated Fixed Routes

.        Subscription Services

.        Feeder to Transit

.       Hours of Operations Differ by County

.       Funding Sources  (Rural Vs Urban)

.       Citizens Advisory Committee Requirement

.       Other Dial a Ride and Non-Profit Transportation Programs


.   Road to Recovery

.   Other initiatives

.    TNC Pilot Program

.    Accessible Service videos Travel Training Videos (in development)

.    Travel Training NJTIP @ Rutgers

.    Mobile Application

.    Autonomous Vehicle








                                           County Community Transportation
Contact information      



Atlantic County Transportation

(609) 645-5910

 <http://www.aclink.org/> www.aclink.org

Bergen County Transportation

(201) 368-5955

 <http://www.co.bergen.nj.us/> www.co.bergen.nj.us

Camden and Burlington Sen-Han Transit

(856) 456-3344 - Camden

(877) 603-5111 - Burlington

 <http://www.scucs.org/> www.scucs.org

Burlington BURLINK

(609) 883-8891

 <https://www.co.burlington.nj.us/> www.co.burlington.nj.us

Cape May Fare Free Transportation

(609) 889-3700

 <http://www.capemaycountynj.gov/> www.capemaycountynj.gov

Cumberland Area Transit System CATS

(856) 691-7799

 <http://www.co.cumberland.nj.us/> www.co.cumberland.nj.us

Essex County Office On Aging

(973) 395-5858 OR

(973) 395-8418

 <http://www.essex-countynj.org/> www.essex-countynj.org

Gloucester County Division of Transportation

(856) 686-8355

 <http://www.co.gloucester.nj.us/> www.co.gloucester.nj.us

Hudson County TRANSCEND

(201) 369-4320 (ext 4107)

 <http://www.hudsoncountynj.org/> www.hudsoncountynj.org

Hunterdon County, The Link

800) 842-0531

 <http://www.co.hunterdon.nj.us/> www.co.hunterdon.nj.us

Mercer T.R.A.D.E

(609) 530-1971

 <http://www.mercercounty.org/> www.mercercounty.org

Middlesex County Transportation, MCAT

(800) 221-3520

 <http://www.co.middlesex.nj.us/> www.co.middlesex.nj.us

Monmouth County SCAT

(732) 431-6480

 <http://www.co.monmouth.nj.us/> www.co.monmouth.nj.us

Morris County MAPS & Dial-a-Ride

(973) 829-8103

 <http://www.co.morris.nj.us/> www.co.morris.nj.us

Ocean County Ocean Ride

(877) 929-2082 OR

(732) 736-8989

 <http://www.co.ocean.nj.us/> www.co.ocean.nj.us

Passaic County Paratransit

(973) 305-5756

 <http://www.passaiccountynj.org/> www.passaiccountynj.org

Salem County Transportation

(856) 339-8644

 <http://www.salemcountynj.gov/> www.salemcountynj.gov

Somerset County Transportation

(908) 231-7116

(800) 246-0527

 <http://www.co.somerset.nj.us/> www.co.somerset.nj.us

Sussex County Transportation Skylands Ride

(973) 579-0480

 <http://www.sussex.nj.us/> www.sussex.nj.us

Union County Transportation

(908) 241-8300

 <http://www.ucnj.org/> www.ucnj.org

Warren County Transportation WCT

908) 454-4044 OR Toll Free


 <http://www.co.warren.nj.us/> www.co.warren.nj.us



New Jersey

Transportation Management Associations




Cross County Connection
Ronda Urkowitz, Executive Director

4A Eves Drive, Suite 114
<mailto:urkowitz at driveless.com> urkowitz at driveless.com

Marlton, NJ 08053

Fax 856-983-0388


EZ Ride
Krishna Murthy, Executive Director

144 Park Place East
<mailto:kmurthy at ezride.org> kmurthy at ezride.org 

Wood-Ridge, NJ  07075
Avnish Gupta, Asst. Executive Director

<mailto:agupta at ezride.org> agupta at ezride.org 


Fax 201-939-2630


Tara B. Shepherd, Executive Director

146 Route 31 North, Suite 400
<mailto:tshepherd at gohunterdon.org> tshepherd at gohunterdon.org

Flemington, NJ 08822

Fax 908-788-8583


Greater Mercer TMA
Cheryl Kastrenakes, Executive Director

15 Roszel Road
<mailto:ckastrenakes at gmtma.org> ckastrenakes at gmtma.org

Princeton, NJ 08540
609-452-1491, ext. 225

Fax 609-452-1491


Hudson TMA
Jay DiDomenico, Executive Director

830 Bergen Ave., 9th Floor (new address)
<mailto:jayd at hudsontma.org> jayd at hudsontma.org

Jersey City, NJ  07306

Fax 201-324-6201


Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc.
William Neary, Executive Director

100 Bayard Street, 2nd Floor
<mailto:bneary at kmm.org> bneary at kmm.org

New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Roberta Karpinecz, Program Director 

<mailto:rkarpinecz at kmm.org> rkarpinecz at kmm.org 


Fax 732-745-7482


Donna Allison, Executive Director

360 Grove Street
<mailto:donna at ridewise.org> donna at ridewise.org

Bridgewater, NJ 08807

Fax 908-704-1494


Dan Callas, President

Two Ridgedale Avenue, Suite 200
<mailto:dcallas at transoptions.org> dcallas at transoptions.org

Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927

Fax 973-267-6209



New Jersey

Council On Special Transportation

P.O. Box 184, Manville, NJ 08835 Tel (973) 250-9500     Fax (973) 474-2118




Phone Number to Make an Appointment



Atlantic County Transportation

(609) 645-5910

Demitrus Pearson

Bergen County Community Transportation

(201) 368-5955

Anthony Suarez

Burlington County - Sen-Han Transit

(877) 603-5111

Chris Smith

Camden County - Sen-Han Transit

(856) 456-3344

Diane Powell

Cape May County Fare Free Transportation

(609) 889-3700

Daniel Mulraney

Cumberland Area Transit System CATS

(856) 691-7799

Theresa Van Sant

Essex County Community Transportation

(973) 737-7200

Mihcael M. Vieira

Gloucester County Special Transportation

(856) 686-8355

Lisa Cerny

Hudson County TRANSCEND

(201) 369-4320

Jimmy Ostaszewski

Hunterdon County Transportation - Link

(800) 842-0531

Erin Neukum

Mercer County T.R.A.D.E

(609) 530-1971

Martin DeNero

Middlesex County Area Transit

(800) 221-3520

Stanley Subjinski

Monmouth County SCAT

(732) 431-6480

Kathleen Lodato

Morris County Transportation - MAPS

(973) 829-8103

Christine Hellyer

Ocean County Transportation -  Ocean Ride

(877) 929-2082

David Fitzgerald

Passaic County Paratransit

(973) 305-5756

John McGill

Salem County Transportation

(856) 339-8644

Stephanie Bradway

Somerset County Transportation

(908) 231-7115

John Adair

Sussex County Transportation - Skylands Ride

(973) 579-0480

Christine Florio

Union County Paratransit

(908) 241-8300

Solonia Saxton

Warren County Transportation

(866) 594-4044

JanMarie McDyer

As of July 1, 2020




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