[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Crier October 20

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Tue Oct 22 00:17:58 UTC 2019

Historic Fredericksburg CRIER – October 20th


     Headline – DeweyBeats Truman. That was famous mistake from the past. Our election had no greatmystery or surprises. Below are the meeting notes and results of the election.After the notes, there are a couple of other items that I hope you findinteresting.


     The conferencecall/meeting was called to order by Brittany Ingram, vice president at 7:00P.M. on Thursday, October 17.  This willcount as the October meeting because of a 50th anniversary programat the Center in Mechanicsville.

Those in attendance were Brittany, Michael, Jodi, Sue, Dick,Laurie, Hannah, Ray, Jessica, Isaiah and Tracy Soforenko.  Brittany began by asking who plans to attendthe State Convention; the list includes Brittany, Jessica, Holly, Jodi, Sue andDick, and Laurie, Hannah and Ray Wages.

Brittany was contacted by Annette Carr asking if we need atable for fundraising.  After somediscussion, most people agreed it is too late to plan anything for this yearand we should endeavor to work toward a fundraiser or raffle item for nextyear.  Tracy mentioned the conventionagenda has been emailed and published. If anyone has an item to auction off or give as a doorprize, they can bedropped off at registration.  Jessicaindicated she has some braille childrens’ books which also could be taken tothe parents’ book swap.

A bus will be stopping in Fredericksburg to pick up Jodi,Brittany, and Jessica; the question was asked whether or not anyone elseplanned to ride the bus.  There were noother responses.

At the November meeting we will discuss a position ofChapter membership coordinator whose duties will consist of consolidating newmember information so all chapters are aware of new members.  

Next on the agenda was election of officers.  Tracy Soforenko thanked the NominatingCommittee for their work on the slate of officers to be elected.  They are as follows:  Brittany Ingram, President; Jessica Reed,Vice President; Dick Byrne, Treasurer; Sue Byrne, Secretary; Chris Errman andHolly Frisch, Board Members.  As eachposition was called, Tracy asked three times if there were any furthernominations.  After each one a motion wasmade and seconded to elect by acclimation. Next two people were elected toserve on the Board of Directors. Brittany was elected as our delegate and Jessica was elected asalternate.  Tracy expressed pleasure inhandling the election; Brittany thanked him and indicated she is lookingforward to seeing him at the convention.

The meeting in November will remain on the 3rdSaturday of the month at the usual time (10:00 Am to Noon) in the usualconference room.  One item on the agendafor that meeting is whether or not to have a December meeting/holidayget-together.  Tracy Soforenko isscheduled to speak at the January meeting to include suggestions on how toboost membership in the Chapter.

The meeting was adjourned by Brittany at 7:49 PM.

Special Smart Phone APPs UPDATE – BeMyEYes now features theNFB as one of it”s contacts. Check out BeMyEyes.com for the information.Alsoremember that AIRA is free for the first five minutes  once you set up the APP. You do not have tobe a paid subsscriber to use it.

     2020 dues arecoming due. If you pay Dick in cash, you will get a receipt. If you pay bycheck. A receipt is your choice. Hopefully all dues will be collected byJanuary.

     I hope to runinto you at convention. Enjoy the day.

Dick Byrne – rtbyrne at aol.com


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