[Trainer-talk] Fwd: driver for employee

Marianne Denning marianne at denningweb.com
Fri Jan 9 20:58:27 UTC 2015

I had a driver at a nonprofit organization.  The organization checked
the driving record and kept a copy of the insurance.  Otherwise, I
believe that volunteer or paid driver was handled the same way any
staff person driving was handled.  I can provide the name of the
organization offlist if you would like to contact them.  They had
several visually impaired staff members who needed drivers.  That may
also vary from state to state.

On 1/9/15, FRED TCHANG via Trainer-talk <trainer-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> I haven't heard from any non-profits, maybe this accommodation is more
> unusual than I thought.
> In that case, can anyone working working for the state or a large employee
> share their policies and procedures?   FYI, I found this one from North
> Carolina- interesting to have the employee be the actual employer of the
> driver.
> Fred Tchang
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: FRED TCHANG <fred.tchang at gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:05 PM
> Subject: driver for employee
> To: List for teachers and trainers of adaptive technology <
> trainer-talk at nfbnet.org>
> A bit off-topic, but I wanted to get a chance to talk to any other
> non-profits about how they have handled hiring drivers / paying for
> drivers-
> more the business/liability side of things.  Especially for an employee
> whose job involves traveling to several appointments a day.
> Please contact me directly.
> Fred Tchang, ATP
> RESNA Certified Assistive Technology Professional
> Director, Assistive Technology Services
> FTchang at advopps.org
> www.assistivetechnologycenter.org
> Advancing Opportunities
> All Disabilities.  Many Services.  One Agency.

Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053

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