[Trainer-Talk] FW: Clockwork's alt media module

Deborah Armstrong armstrongdeborah at fhda.edu
Tue Dec 6 19:05:56 UTC 2016

I work at a community college. We are using the Clockwork management information system for tracking our disabled students and their accommodations.

I absolutely love its accessible calendar module. It's even more accessible than Outlook and very easy to use. I think as a keyboard user, I'm actually faster at working with the calendar than a mouse user.

But, the alt media module is an access nightmare. I cannot figure out how to enter requests. There are keyboard shortcuts, but no screen reader - and I've tried three - is able to reliably track the focus or read relevant field labels when I attempt to enter a request. Screen readers say things like "drop-down" or "submenu" or read the title bar. They clearly don't know where I'm focused onscreen.

If I use the screen reader's review cursor, I read pieces of different fields all jumbled up.

Is anyone successfully using the alternate media module of clockwork with a screen reader, or does anyone have any tips on fixing my focus tracking issues?


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