[Trainer-Talk] Braille display with Apple devices issues

nedgranic at gmail.com nedgranic at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 16:11:53 UTC 2021

Hi all,


Hope there are some Apple wizards here that can help me in resolving some
issues I ran into while using Focus40 with an iPhone and a MacBook Pro.


Focus40 (V) is paired with an iPhone via BT and connected to a MacBook Pro
via USB.  Switching back and forth via Menu + dots 1 and 8 works great.

1.       iOS: However, after a while iPhone refuses to accept any keys for
text input while rest of commands continue to work.  In Keyboard Help mode
any dot key press is reported as "command."  Eventually, no command is
recognized and "Forget this device" is the only way to get things back under
control.  Firmware version on the Focus40 is the latest, 5.81-61.

2.       OS X: From the start the Mac refuses to recognize any VoiceOver
braille chord commands (involving the spacebar) while other controls work
just fine.  OS X version is 10.11.6 and clicking on "Software Update"
reports "No updates available."  On another Mac the version is 10.12.6 and
chord commands work perfectly.  I don't understand what's going on here.


Any help is greatly appreciated!






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