[NFBV-Announce] PWC Minutes & Announcements

Oscar Josue Montiel oscarjmontiel37 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 18:34:45 UTC 2020

Good Afternoon:

I am attaching our PWC Minutes from our Augst meeting. 

I would also like to announce a couple of things.  First, the Prince William County Chapter is selling White Kane Tips, Info is below:

2 Kane Tips $1
3 $4 
5 $6.  For more information please contact Mark Ross at: 703-680-2843. 

Next, the PWC Chapter is also collecting dues for the year   2020, information on how to pay dues will be below.  Also, the PWC Chapter will be holding our Board Elections at our September Meeting.  Please Note: 

Those who are interested in running for a board position must pay their dues by no later than,  September 14, 2020. Info on how to pay dues is as follows:

Sending a check to Mark Ross:  Please send your $5 check to Mark at the following address:

15500 Ridgecrest Drive, 22025, Montclaire VA.  

Electronic Payments to Oscar Montiel: 

We are accepting electronic payment methods through Zelle, Apple-Pay and Cash-App.  Info for electronic payments are as follows:

Zelle: 703-986-9768.  
Cash-App: $oman20

Apple-Pay: Please contact Oscar for more information.  

Thank you,

Oscar Montiel  On Aug 16, 2020 2:40 PM, Oscar Josue Montiel <oscarjmontiel37 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone: 
> Below is the login information to our Zoom meeting for this Tuesday 
> August 18, 2020. The meeting is going to be held from 7-8pm. Some 
> highlights from the meeting are as follows: 
> Recap of the State Board meeting 
> Talking about State convention 
> Other Chapter-related activities 
> https://zoom.us/j/8297256345 
> Meeting ID: 829 725 6345 
> Telephone Dial: 6468769923 
> One tap mobile 
> +16468769923 
> Looking forward to seeing you all there. 
> Thanks, 
> Oscar Montiel 
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