[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: Digitally accessible EV event flyers in Spanish and English
Gary Van Dorn
garyvdrn at msn.com
Fri Jul 23 12:43:57 UTC 2021
The NFB’s involvement with electric vehicles is no secrete. The work we do on this topic is essential to the safety of not only the blind, but to others as well. I am forwarding this flyer so you may attend the event. I am not sure how “accessible” the flyers in English and Spanish are. I had to click on an arrow to obtain the QR code. Furthermore, how accessible is a QR code if one does not know its location? Anyway, I plan on attending the vent via Zoom. I am including our National Office as well so President Riccobono may forward it to the Chair of the Electric Vehicle Committee.
Gary Van Dorn
Treasurer, Mile High NFBCO
Chair, Mile High NFBCO Transportation Committee
Board Member, NFBCO
Treasurer, NFBCO Sports & Recreation Division
Treasurer, NFB Public Employees Division
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jaime Lewis <jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>>
Subject: Fwd: Digitally accessible EV event flyers in Spanish and English
Date: 19 July 2021 at 11:03:00 MDT
To: "Bond, Angel" <abond at bouldercounty.org<mailto:abond at bouldercounty.org>>, amy at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:amy at denverstreetspartnership.org>, "Gilbert, Kayla M. - DEH Pgm Admin" <Kayla.Gilbert at denvergov.org<mailto:Kayla.Gilbert at denvergov.org>>, "Rousseau, Aisha E. - Human Rights/Community Partner" <Aisha.Rousseau at denvergov.org<mailto:Aisha.Rousseau at denvergov.org>>, "Hinds, Chris - CC Member District 10 Denver City Council" <chris.hinds at denvergov.org<mailto:chris.hinds at denvergov.org>>, "Earl Lee (lee.earl1 at gmail.com<mailto:lee.earl1 at gmail.com>)" <lee.earl1 at gmail.com<mailto:lee.earl1 at gmail.com>>, Emily Kleinfelter <emily at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:emily at denverstreetspartnership.org>>, Frank Kane <tfrankiii at msn.com<mailto:tfrankiii at msn.com>>, Krystin Trustman <kbtrustman at yahoo.com<mailto:kbtrustman at yahoo.com>>, Molly McKinley <molly at bicyclecolorado.org<mailto:molly at bicyclecolorado.org>>, Rachel Zenzinger <senatorrachelz at gmail.com<mailto:senatorrachelz at gmail.com>>, Jessica Vargas <jessica at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:jessica at denverstreetspartnership.org>>, Gary Van Dorn <garyvdrn at msn.com<mailto:garyvdrn at msn.com>>, Piep van Heuven <piep at bicyclecolorado.org<mailto:piep at bicyclecolorado.org>>
Reply-To: jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>
Please attend this unique event to learn more about Electrical Vehicle Development and its impacts. Please share with your networks.
Jaime Lewis
CCFC Transit Advisor
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jaime Lewis <jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>>
Date: Mon, Jul 19, 2021, 10:53 AM
Subject: Fwd: Digitally accessible EV event flyers in Spanish and English
To: Jill Locantore <jill at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:jill at denverstreetspartnership.org>>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jaime Lewis <jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>>
Date: Mon, Jul 19, 2021, 10:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: Digitally accessible EV event flyers in Spanish and English/ Jaime's schedule week of July 19th
To: Schedule <schedule at ccdconline.net<mailto:schedule at ccdconline.net>>
Please share with your mailing list.
We are excited to share this information in your area and to listen to concerns from the public. Please let us know if you plan on attending this event.
Jaime Lewis
CCDC Transit Advisor
Please see and share our website on disability specific issues related to COVID-19 in Colorado: CCDC COVID-19 Resources & Information<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ccdconline.org%2Fcovid-19-resources-links-and-information%2F&data=04%7C01%7C%7C5118fe5aa4944d28a21408d94ad71972%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637623111021505674%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=GyDBLCMLtAyG%2B3Y5nrs1YeNsr2Rn5%2Fm0UUz%2BUhky5sY%3D&reserved=0>
Nothing about us without us - ever!
[CCDC Logo -Nothing About Us, Without US!]
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