[Jayhawk-chapter] Trivia Tournament Info

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 20 11:06:09 UTC 2018

Good morning Jayhawk Federation family,


Sorry to be so late with this material, but life has had its share of recent
disruptions. You will find 2 attached documents which include the Save The
Date flier created by Tom Conroy and a script for making an initial approach
to a potential community sponsor. You need not be slave to the script, but
it should give you a general idea of how to approach a potential sponsor.
Feel free to call, email, or text if you have any questions. Good luck
recruiting sponsors and rock chalk Jayhawk NFB!


Best regards,

Rob Tabor | president national Federation of the Blind of Kansas

(785) 865-9959

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