[NFB-of-Delaware] Resolutions Reminders

Chris Nusbaum cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 21:00:21 UTC 2024

A reminder that our final resolutions committee meeting starts at 5. The drafts in final form are attached.


NFBDE Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 510 856 0205

Passcode: 11192020

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+13017158592,,5108560205# US (Washington DC)


Dial by your location

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Meeting ID: 510 856 0205

Passcode: 11192020


NFBDE Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 510 856 0205

Passcode: 11192020

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,5108560205# US (Washington DC)


Dial by your location

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Meeting ID: 510 856 0205

Passcode: 11192020


From: Chris Nusbaum <cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2024 9:42 AM
To: nfb-of-delaware at nfbnet.org
Subject: Resolutions Reminders


Good Morning Friends,


Just a friendly reminder that October 5 is the deadline to get draft resolutions to the Resolutions Committee for its consideration. If you have an issue you want us to address in a policy statement of our organization, please send in your ideas—if needed, we'll help with the formatting. Resolutions should be emailed to cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com <mailto:cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com> .


Our next (and last) committee meeting before the convention will take place next Monday, October 7, at 5 PM on the affiliate Zoom. This will be the time when we vote on which resolutions will be sent to the convention for a vote. Once that is done, the convention will hear the resolutions twice: a first reading on Friday so they can be read in full and any questions can be addressed, and a final reading on Saturday, where they will be discussed and voted on.


If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your engagement in setting the policy of our organization!



Chris Nusbaum, Chair

NFBDE Resolutions Committee 

(443) 547-2409

cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com <mailto:cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com> 

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National Federation of the Blind of Delaware Resolution 2024-06   
Regarding the Distribution by Delaware Library Access Services of the Zoomax Braille eReader and Future Equipment for Blind/Low Vision Library Patrons  

WHEREAS, Delaware Library Access Services (DLAS) is established to serve Delawareans who are blind, dyslexic, or who have other difficulties accessing the printed word; and 
WHEREAS, DLAS has engendered and fostered a deep and fervent love of reading in all its patraons; and  
WHEREAS, DLAS has served those patrons in a high quality, individualized manner for decades; and  
WHEREAS, DLAS is presently not serving with a full complement of staff members, having only one librarian and one volunteer assistant; and 
WHEREAS, blind Delawareans who read Braille do not have access to any of the thousands of NLS books in eBraille; and 
WHEREAS, DLAS has had Zoomax Braille eReaders in its posession and has been learning to use them since October, 2023, and has been updating them since early in the year 2024; and
WHEREAS, all software is updated, often several times throughout any given year; and 
WHEREAS, the users of any software of any kind are not only allowed but expected to update that software themselves; and  
WHEREAS, all Zoomax ereader messages are in Braille only and the vast majority of librarians, including ours, don't read Braille; and
WHEREAS, all promised dates for the Braille eReaders' release to DLAS' patrons who read Braille have passed and there is no presently stated date for their release; and 
WHEREAS, members of the community of blind Delawareans have volunteered to assist in expediting the update process and were told their assistance was not needed: Now, therefore, 
BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Delaware in Convention assembled this twenty-fifth day of October, 2024 in the city of Middletown that this organization strongly urges DLAS to distribute these eReaders to all patrons who read Braille; and  
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization strongly urges DLAS to train its patrons to use and update these eReaders; and 
BE IT FURTHER RESOVED that this organization strongly urges DLAS to employ an assistant proficient in Braille to facilitate training and update of this equipment.           

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