[Ohio-Talk] FW: OOD Council Meeting August 12, 2020 Materials and Information

Smith, JW smithj at ohio.edu
Thu Aug 6 20:09:08 UTC 2020

Great attachments here so take advantage of them.

From: shirley.marchi at ood.ohio.gov <shirley.marchi at ood.ohio.gov>
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:18 AM
To: dr.carolyn.peters at gmail.com; matthew.sauer at uc.edu; Jegerhardt9 at gmail.com; margie.hegg at gmail.com; lisah at ocecd.org; carlo at loparopr.com; amckay at disabilityrightsohio.org; kevin.miller at ood.ohio.gov; johnmoore at dsc.org; pmoore at opra.org; Jeremy Morris <jmorris at ohiosilc.org>; Smith, JW <smithj at ohio.edu>; karis.spence at huntington.com
Cc: Kim.Jump at ood.ohio.gov; Erik.Williamson at ood.ohio.gov; susan.pugh at ood.ohio.gov; gregory.dormer at ood.ohio.gov; Kristen.Ballinger at ood.ohio.gov; Matt.Lampke at ood.ohio.gov; Jennifer.Ezell at ood.ohio.gov; Eric.Muller at ood.ohio.gov; shirley.marchi at ood.ohio.gov; Marlena.Smith at ood.ohio.gov; allinder1 at yahoo.com; Taniya.George-Olds at ood.ohio.gov; JoHannah.Ward at education.ohio.gov
Subject: OOD Council Meeting August 12, 2020 Materials and Information

Hello Council members,

The next OOD Council meeting is scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on August 12, 2020 via Microsoft Teams Live: Join live event<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTM2ZTNhY2MtMTFkOS00NDAzLWI2MzUtMzljMmQ2Y2JlMDFi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2250f8fcc4-94d8-4f07-84eb-36ed57c7c8a2%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222074f3d0-74e9-4067-a0ea-d8bea75e441e%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d>;  OR  phone +1 614-721-2972<tel:+1%20614-721-2972,,489368300>  and enter Conference ID: 489 368 300#

Please find attached the following documents for the meeting:

  1.  Agenda
  2.  VR Policy Subcommittee Minutes
  3.  Employer and Innovation Services Update
  4.  Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment Survey of Individuals with Disabilities
  5.  Customer Satisfaction Report - 3rd Quarter FFY 2020
  6.  BSVI Update
  7.  May 6, 2020 Minutes
  8.  Two Written Public Comments from the May 6, 2020 meeting
  9.  BVR Update

Please note, we will be using Microsoft Teams Live and the attached materials will not be displayed during the meeting. However, please feel free to access the materials via this email or on our website here: https://ood.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/ood/about-us/ood-council/ood-council-meetings

Also, I want to remind you that the public will be able to listen to the meeting, but will not be able to provide comment at the meeting. We have requested that any public comments be provided in written format no later than close of business on Monday, August 10, 2020.  If I receive written public comments, I will send those your way.

Please let me know if you have questions or have trouble opening the attachments.

Thank you and have a great day!

Shirley Marchi
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Office of Communications
150 E. Campus View Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43235
Office: 614- 438-1477
[cid:image001.png at 01D66B14.079CC1C0]<https://www.facebook.com/OhioOOD/>[cid:image002.png at 01D66B14.079CC1C0]<https://twitter.com/OhioOOD/>[cid:image003.png at 01D66B14.079CC1C0]<https://www.instagram.com/ohioood/>[cid:image004.png at 01D66B14.079CC1C0]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/ood/>[cid:image005.jpg at 01D66B14.079CC1C0]<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3i2M6G6mfQhJX5aEfR4Mw>

Empowering Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determinations, and independence.

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Name: OOD Council Meeting Agenda August 12, 2020.docx
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Desc: OOD Council Meeting Agenda August 12, 2020.docx
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Name: OOD Council subcommittee VR Policy Minutes July 8, 2020.docx
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Desc: OOD Council subcommittee VR Policy Minutes July 8, 2020.docx
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Name: 8.12.20 OOD Council Meeting EIS Update.docx
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Desc: 8.12.20 OOD Council Meeting EIS Update.docx
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Name: CSNA Survey Outline.docx
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Desc: CSNA Survey Outline.docx
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Name: Customer Satisfaction Report -3rd Qtr FFY 2020.docx
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Desc: Customer Satisfaction Report -3rd Qtr FFY 2020.docx
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Name: OOD Council BSVI Update August 2020.docx
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Desc: OOD Council BSVI Update August 2020.docx
URL: <http://nfbnet.org/pipermail/ohio-talk_nfbnet.org/attachments/20200806/441c50f1/attachment-0014.docx>
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From: "emilyturner at goodwillohio.org" <emilyturner at goodwillohio.org>
Subject: Comments for the OOD Council
Date: Fri, 1 May 2020 15:53:56 +0000
Size: 189234
URL: <http://nfbnet.org/pipermail/ohio-talk_nfbnet.org/attachments/20200806/441c50f1/attachment-0001.mht>
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Name: Public Comment 5-6-2020 SRC.docx
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Desc: Public Comment 5-6-2020 SRC.docx
URL: <http://nfbnet.org/pipermail/ohio-talk_nfbnet.org/attachments/20200806/441c50f1/attachment-0015.docx>
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Name: OOD Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2020.docx
Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
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Desc: OOD Council Meeting Minutes May 6, 2020.docx
URL: <http://nfbnet.org/pipermail/ohio-talk_nfbnet.org/attachments/20200806/441c50f1/attachment-0016.docx>
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Name: OOD Council Briefing, BVR, August 2020.docx
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Desc: OOD Council Briefing, BVR, August 2020.docx
URL: <http://nfbnet.org/pipermail/ohio-talk_nfbnet.org/attachments/20200806/441c50f1/attachment-0017.docx>

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