Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
4alabama NFB of Alabama List
AABS-Forum Alabama Association of Blind Students List
AccessOn-Announce Announce-Onoly List for the AccessOn Technology Podcast
AEBTeam Art Education for the Blind Team Mailing List
AG-EQ Agricultural and Equestrean Division List
Akron-Talk Greater Akron Chapter List, NFB of Ohio (Announce-Only)
Arizona-News NFB of Arizona News (Announce-Only)
Arizona-Students Arizona Association of Blind Students List
ARKABS Arkansas Association of Blind Students List
Art_Beyond_Sight_Advocacy Art Beyond Sight Advocacy
Art_Beyond_Sight_Educators Art Beyond Sight Educators List
Art_Beyond_Sight_Learning_Tools Art Beyond Sight Learning Tools
Art_Beyond_Sight_Theory_and_Research Art Beyond Sight Theory and Research
ArtBeyondSightMuseums Access to Art Museums
Artists-Making-Art An exploration of art by and for blind persons
AutonomousVehicles autonomous Vehicles Discussion
Blind-Gov List for blind government employees
Blind-International-Students Blind International Students Mailing List
Blind-Rollers Blind wheelchair users list
BlindKid Blind Kid Mailing List, (for parents of blind children)
BlindLaw Blind Law Mailing List
BlindMath Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics
BlindResearch Blindness-related research discussion and collaboration list
BlindRUG Blind R Users Group
BlindTlk Blind Talk Mailing List
BlindVet-Talk Info and discussion list for blind veterans.
BlParent Blind Parents Mailing List
CABS-Talk California Association of Blind Students Mailing List
CABS Colorado Association of Blind Students List
CACommunity-Service California Community Service Division List
CapChapOhio Capital Chapter (Columbus, Ohio) Mailing List
Cash-and-Caring Fund-raising assistance for Chapters and Affiliates
CastingCallBoard Casting Calls for Blind Performers (Announce-only)
CCB-Alumni Colorado Center for the Blind mailing list
CCCNFBW Clark County Chapter, NFB of Washington List
Central-MD-Chapter Central Maryland Chapter List
CentralOK Central Oklahoma Chapter Internet Mailing List
CHANT The Community Hoping for Accessibility in Non-Abrahamic Traditions Mailing List
Charlotte-Mecklenburg-Chapter Charlotte Mecklenburg North Carolina Chapter List (discussion only)
Cinci-NFB NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
CO-DB Colorado DeafBlind Division list.
COAGDU Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users List
Colorado-Talk NFB of Colorado Discussion List
Community-Service Community Service Discussion List
CT-NFB NFB of Connecticut Mailing List
Ctabs Connecticut Association of Blind Students
Diabetes-Talk Diabetes Talk for the Blind
DSM-Iowa Des Moines Chapter List, NFB of Iowa
DTB-Talk Discussion of Digital Talking Books
Electronics-Talk Discussion of accessible home electronics and appliances
FABS Florida Association of Blind Students
Faith-Talk Faith-talk, for the discussion of Blindness in faith and religion
FLAGDU Florida Association of Guide Dog Users
FOPBC Florida Organization of Parents of Blind Children list
Friends-of-Rocky-Bottom Friends of Rocky Bottom camp list
GABS Georgia Association of Blind Students List
GOPBC Georgia Organization of Parents of Blind Children List
GrandRapidsMI Grand Rapids Michigan Chapter List
Greater-Baltimore NFB of Maryland Baltimore Chapter Discussion List
GreaterPhilly Greater Philadelphia Chapter Internet Mailing List
GUI-Talk Discussion of the Graphical User Interface, GUI Talk Mailing List
HIABS Hawaii Association of Blind Students list
Home-on-the-Range NFB of Kansas Internet Mailing List
HumanSer Human Services Division Mailing List
IABS-Talk Illinois Association of Blind Students List
IL-Talk NFB of Illinois Mailing List
Jayhawk-Chapter Jayhawk Chapter list, Lawrence, Kansas
Job-Discussions Job Discussions internet Mailing List
Job-Listings Job Listings (Announce-Only)
Journalists Blind Professional Journalists List
Kansas-Blind-Students Kansas Blind Students discussion list
Kentucky-Vendors E-mail List for Kentucky Vendors
KeyStoneChapter Keystone Chapter List of the NFB of Pennsylvania
LABS Louisiana Association of Blind Students List
LansingMI Lansing, Michigan Chapter List
LPOBC Louisiana Parents of Blind Children List
MABM Maryland Association of Blind Merchants List
MABS Missouri Association of Blind Students
Massachusetts-NFB NFB of Massachusetts E-mail List
MD-AtLarge NFB of Maryland At Large Chapter List
MD-Baltimore-County NFB of Maryland, Baltimore County List
MD-Blind-Parents NFB of Maryland, Blind Parents List
MD-Sligo Sligo Creek Chapter list, NFB of Maryland
MDABS Maryland Association of Blind Students Mailing List
MDPOBC Maryland Parents of Blind Children List
MI-ABS Michigan Association of Blind Students
MICGDU Michigan Guide Dog Users Committee List
Michigan-at-Large Michigan At Large Chapter List
Michigan-Youth-Outreach Michigan Youth Outreach projects update list
Mile-High-Chapter Mile High Chapter list, Denver, Colorado
Minnesota-Talk Discussion List for NFB of Minnesota
Missouri-Parents-Network Missouri Parents Network Mailing List
MN-ABS Minnesota Association of Blind Students List
MN-At-Large Minnesota At Large Chapter List
Mn-parents Minnesota Parents of Blind Children List
MonadnockChapter NFB of New Hampshire Monadnock Chapter List
MusicTlk Music Talk Mailing List for Blind Musicians
NABEntre NAB Entrepreneurs Mailing List
NABOP National Association of Blind Office Professionals
NABS-L National Association of Blind Students mailing list
NAGDU NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
NationalHarbor National Harbor Chapter, NFB of Maryland Internet Mailing List
NCABS North Carolina Association of Blind Students List
ND-Talk North Dakota Talk Discussion List
Nebraska-Parents Nebraska Parents of Blind Children List
Nebraska-Senior-Blind Nebraska Senior Blind Info and Discussion List
Nebraska-Students Nebraska Association of Blind Students List
Nevada-Announce NFB of Nevada Announcements List
New-Hampshire-Students NFB of New Hampshire Student List
New-York-News NFB of New York News List
NFB-Announce Blindness-Related Announcements (only)
NFB-Arkansas NFB of Arkansas Internet Mailing List
NFB-Blind-Crafters List for Blind Crafters and Artists
NFB-Braille-Discussion NFB Braille Discussion List
NFB-Cars Classics, antiques and rods division mailing list
NFB-Conventions NFB Conventions Announcements list (Announce-Only)
NFB-DB NFB Deaf-Blind Division Mailing List
NFB-DC Washington, D.C. Affiliate Internet Mail List
NFB-Denver NFB of Denver Chapter List
NFB-Editors Correspondence Committee Mailing List
NFB-Greek-Masonic NFB Greek and Masonic list
NFB-Greeley Greeley, Colorado Internet Mailing List
NFB-Hams National Federation of the Blind Amateur Radio Division List
NFB-HI NFB of Hawaii Mailing List
NFB-History NFB History Support List
NFB-Idaho NFB of Idaho Discussion List
NFB-Info Hidden list for joining Members and Master lists
NFB-InTheKitchen NFB In The Kitchen
NFB-Iowa-Students NFB of Iowa Student Division List
NFB-Kzoo NFB of Kalamazoo Michigan List
NFB-Lions NFB and Lions
NFB-Maine NFB of Maine Internet Mailing List
NFB-Mastodon Mastodon Support List for NFB Members and our Friends
NFB-Muslims NFB Muslims Group list
NFB-New-Hampshire NFB of New Hampshire Discussion List
NFB-NM NFB of New Mexico List, Announce-Only
NFB-of-Delaware NFB of Delaware Internet Mailing List
NFB-OR NFB of Oregon mailing list
NFB-Oregon-Announce NFB of Oregon Announcement List
NFB-River-City nfb-river-city (Sacramento, California list.)
NFB-Science NFB Science and Engineering Division List
NFB-Seniors-Discussion NFB Seniors Division Discussion List
NFB-Seniors NFB Senior Division list (Announce-Only)
nFB-Talk NFB Talk Mailing List
NFB-Utah NFB of Utah Information List
NFB-VT National Federation of the Blind of Vermont List
NFB-Web NFB Webmaster's List
NFB_of_Georgia NFB of Georgia List
NFBA-Phoenix NFB of Arizona Phoenix Chapter List
NFBA-Tucson NFB of Arizona, Tucson Chapter List
NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter NFB of Arizona East Valley Chapter List
NFBAZ-Talk NFB of Arizona Discussion List
NFBC-At-Large NFB of California At Large Chapter List
NFBC-Info NFB of California List
NFBC-Pathfinder Pathfinder Chapter, NFB of California List
NFBC-SFV NFB of California San Fernando Valley Chapter Mailing List
NFBCO-Sports-Rec NFB of Colorado Sports and Recreation List
NFBCS NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
NFBEspanol-Talk DISCUSION DEL NFB Y ASUNTOS DE CEGUERA EN ESPANOL. Discussion of the NFB and blindness matters in Spanish.
NFBF-Jacksonville NFB of Florida Jacksonville List
NFBF-L NFB of Florida Internet Mailing List
NFBF-Melbourne NFB of Florida Melbourne Space Coast Chapter List
NFBF-Miami-Dade NFB of Florida Miami-Dade Chapter List
NFBF-Tallahassee NFB of Florida Tallahassee Chapter List
NFBF-Tampa NFB of Florida Tampa Chapter List
NFBF-Treasure-Coast NFB of Florida Treasure Coast Space CoastList
NFBI-Seniors NFB of Indiana Seniors Division List
NFBJ NFB in Judaism
NFBK-SportsandRec NFB of Kentucky Sports and Recreation List
NFBK NFB of Kentucky Internet Mailing List
Nfbkabs Kentucky Association of Blind Students
NFBKEntrepreneurs NFB of Kentucky Entrepreneurs Division List
NFBKPBC NFB of Kentucky Parents of Blind Children List
NFBKTAD NFB of Kentucky, Technology Assistance Division
NFBL-Large NFB of Louisiana, At Large Chapter List
NFBMD NFB of Maryland e-mail list
NFBMDTLC-Chapter Towson/Lutherville/Cockysville Maryland Chapter List
NFBMI-Talk NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
NFBMI-Wayne-County NFB of Michigan Wayne County Chapter List
NFBMN-Seniors NFB of Minnesota Senior Division List (Announce-Only)
NFBMO NFB of Missouri Mailing List
NFBMT-Parents NFB of Montana Parents of Blind Children List
NFBMT NFB of Montana Discussion List
NFBMV NFB of Ohio, Greater Miami Valley Chapter List
NFBN-Announce NFB of Nebraska Announcement List
NFBN-Membership NFB of Nebraska Membership List
NFBNGC NFB of Nebraska Greater At-Large Chapter list
NFBNJ-Braille-Committee NFB of New Jersey Braille Committee list
NFBNJ-Capital-Chapter NFB of New Jersey Capital Chapter List (announce-only)
NFBNJ-Seniors NFB of New Jersey Seniors Division Mailing List
NFBNJ NFB of New Jersey Internet Mailing List
NFBNLC NFB of Nebraska Lincoln Chapter List
NFBNOC NFB of Nebraska Omaha Chapter list
NFBO-Announce NFB of Oregon Information and Announcement List
NFBO-Linn-benton NFB of Oregon Linn-Benton Chapter List
NFBO-Springfield NFB of Ohio Springfield Chapter list
NFBofAlaska NFB of Alaska Mailing List
NFBofNC-Discussion NFB of North Carolina Blindness Discussion List
NFBofNC NFB of North Carolina List, (Announce-Only)
NFBofSC-Newsletters NFB of South Carolina Newsletters list, Announce-Only
NFBofSC NFB of South Carolina Mailing List
NFBOH-Cleveland NFB of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter List
NFBOK-Talk NFB of Oklahoma Internet Mailing List
NFBP-Berks NFB of Pennsylvania Greater Berks Chapter List (announce-only)
NFBP-BlindParents NFB of Pennsylvania Blind Parents Group
NFBP-Brandywine NFB of Pennsylvania Brandywine Valley Chapter List
NFBP-DeafBlind NFB of PA DeafBlind Division list
NFBP-Erie NFB of Pennsylvania Erie Chapter List
NFBP-Jigsaw NFB of Pennsylvania Jigsaw (At-Large) Chapter List
NFBP-Talk NFB of Pennsylvania Talk, state list
NFBSATX San Antonio Texas Chapter Mailing List
NFBSea NFB of Washington State, Greater Seattle Chapter List
NFBSF NFB of San Francisco, California List
NFBV-Alexandria NFB of Virginia Greater Alexandria Chapter Mailing List
NFBV-Announce NFB of Virginia Information and Announcements
NFBV-At-Large NFB of Virginia At Large Chapter List
NFBV-Blind-Parents NFB of Virginia Blind Parents List
NFBV-Discuss NFB of Virginia Affiliate Discussion List
NFBV-Fairfax NFB of Virginia Fairfax Chapter Information and announcement List
NFBV-GW NFB of Virginia Greater Williamsburg Chapter List, (Announce-Only)
NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg Announce-Only list for NFBV Historic Fredericksburg Chapter
NFBV-Potomac-Announce NFB of Virginia Potomac Chapter List
NFBV-PWC NFB of Virginia Prince William County Chapter List
NFBV-Richmond-Announce NFB of Virginia Richmond Chapter Announce List
NFBV-Seniors NFB of Virginia Senior Division List
NFBV-Winchester NFB of Virginia Winchester Chapter List
NFBVOPBC-Talk NFBV -Virginia Organization of Parents of Blind Children Talk
NFBWA-Students NFB of Washington Student List
NFBWAtLarge NFB of Washington At Large Chapter List.
NFBWATlk NFB of Washington Talk Mailing List
NFBWDane NFB of Wisconsin Dane County Chapter List
NFBWLacrosse NFB of Wisconsin LaCrosse Chapter List
NFBWMilwaukee NFB of Wisconsin Milwaukee Chapter List
NFBWNews NFB of Wisconsin News List
NFBWRock NFB of Wisconsin Rock County Chapter List
NFBWV-Talk NFB of West Virginia Discussion List
NFBWVABS NFB of West Virginia Association of Blind Students
NH-North-Country New Hampshire North Country Chapter List
NHLakesChapter NFB of New Hampshire Lakes Region Chapter List
NJ-Diabetes-Division New Jersey Diabetes Division Discussion List
NJABS-Talk New Jersey Association of Blind Students List, (Announce-Only)
NJAGDU New Jersey Association of Guide Dog Users
NJTechDiv New Jersey Technology Division List
NMABS New Mexico Association of Blind Students
NNV-Members Northern Nevada Chapter List
NOBBL National Organization of Blind Black Leaders Mailing List
NOBE-L National Organization of Blind Educators Mailing List
NorthMetroChapter North Metro Chapter NFB of Colorado List
Northwest-Arkansas-Chapter Northwest Arkansas Chapter List
NYABS New York Association of Blind Students Discussion List
NYAGDU New York Association of Guide Dog Users
OABM-Talk Ohio Association of Blind Merchants List
OABS Ohio Association of Blind Students list
OADB Ohio Association of the Deaf Blind List
OAGDU Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users List
Ohio-Communities-of-Faith Nfb of Ohio Communities of Faith Mailing List
Ohio-NAPUB Ohio Division, National Association to Promote the Use of Braille
Ohio-Talk NFB of Ohio Announcement List
OhioDAN-Talk NFB of Ohio, Diabetes Action Network List
PABlindMerchants Pennsylvania Association of Blind Merchants list
PABS Pennsylvania Association of Blind Students List
PACapitalChapter NFB of Pennsylvania Capital Chapter List
PAGDU Pennsylvania Association of Guide Dog Users list
Perform-Talk Performing Arts Division list
PIBE-Division Professionals in Blindness Education Division List
Promotion-Technology Committee on the Promotion, Evaluation and Advancement of Technology
PVC-NFBCO Poudre Valley Chapter NFB of Colorado
QuietCars Discussion of new quiet cars and pedestrian safety
Rehab blind rehabilitation professionals mailing list
Riverside-San-Bernardino Riverside San Bernardino Chapter List
Rose_City_Chapter Rose City Chapter, NFB of Oregon List
SC-CSTD NFB of South Carolina Computer Science and Technology Division List
SCABL South Carolina Association of Black Leaders
SCAGDU South Carolina Association of Guide Dog Users list
SD-Talk South Dakota Talk Discussion List
Small-Appliance-Cooking Cooking with Small Appliances
Social-Sciences-List Blind Social Scientists List
Southern_Oregon_Chapter NFB of Oregon, Southern Oregon Chapter List
SportsandRec Sports and Recreation for the Blind Discussion List
Stylist Writers' Division Mailing List
TABS Tennessee Association of Blind Students List
Tactile-Talk Tactile Talk for the discussion of the display and use of graphics on refreshable Braille platforms
TAGS Tactile Art and Tactile Graphics Specialist list
Tall-Corn NFB of Iowa Internet Mailing List
TideWater-Chapter Tidewater Virginia Chapter Mailing List
TN-Talk Tennessee Talk (NFB of Tennessee Discussion)
Trainer-Talk List for teachers and trainers of adaptive technology
TravelAndTourism NFB Travel and Tourism Division List
TulsaNFB NFB of Tulsa Chapter List
TXABS Texas Association of Blind Students
UABS Utah Association of Blind Students List
VABS Virginia Association of Blind Students list
VAGDU Virginia Association of Guide Dog Users
VendorsMI NFB of Michigan Vendors List
VendTalk Vendor Talk Mailing List
WABM Wisconsin Association of Blind Merchants List
WABS Wisconsin Association of Students List
WAGDU Wisconsin Association of Guide Dog Users List
WASAGDU Washington Association of Guide Dog Users
WPBC NFB of Wisconsin Parents of Blind Children List
Youth-Outreach Youth outreach projects Support List

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